"Siu" is an experimental short film that explores the visual and sonic sensations of rain in urban and rural settings. Through the senses, it evokes emotions, childhood memories, and the enchantment of rain. The short aims to immerse the viewer in its poetic essence, interweaving the stories of those who have experienced it. "Siu" captures the essence of rain, connecting us with its significance in our lives and its relevance in current climate concerns.
Tatiana PuertoDirector
Ernesto BautistaDirector
Tatiana PuertoWriter
Ernesto BautistaWriter
Burn and Die FilmsProducer
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Short
Genres:sensory cinema, poetic, documentary
Country of Origin:Colombia
Country of Filming:Colombia
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Burn and Die FilmsDistributorCountry: El SalvadorRights: All Rights
Tatiana Puerto and Ernesto Bautista, collaborators in projects such as "Monumento al Mar," "The Last Transmission of the Nereids," and others, merge their creative paths in a unique synergy. Tatiana, a Bachelor of Visual Arts and film editor, transcends the social and commercial realms through critical atmospheres and inter-epistemic visual dialogues. Meanwhile, Ernesto, a writer and film director, reconfigures recognizable signs in narratives that challenge the established, weaving connections between the absurd and the coherent.