SIEGE is a short film that follows the life of a young boy who was forcefully taken away from his happy and simple family by soldiers and forcefully conscripted into the army. This short story follows his training process from a young boy to a full-grown man who eventually leads his men to another family to take their only son away from them just as he was taken from his parents.
Emilia ThompsonWriter
Emmanuel Thompson EkereWriter
Emmanuel Thompson EkereProducer
Edikan MichaelKey Cast"Boy 1"
Sampson SamuelKey Cast"Older Boy 1"
Aniee EssienDirector
Project Type:Short
Runtime:9 minutes 32 seconds
Completion Date:April 2, 2023
Production Budget:360 USD
Country of Origin:Nigeria
Country of Filming:Nigeria
Shooting Format:Digital, Sony Camera
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Aniee Essien is a Theatre Artist, Director and Actor who is passionate about productions (stage and film) and entertainment. He is a graduate of Performing Arts who comes from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria and has directed some good stage productions, and short films and also worked as a Production Manager on some film and documentary projects.
Directing this short film was a magical moment for me as a filmmaker and this was made possible by the amazing team effort of the cast and crew members. we made magic, trust me, we made cinema.