Experiencing Interruptions?


It's stupid to go looking for love in Marina di Pisa
But someone does
It is naive to ask for affection from a police officer
But someone tries
This song is almost a love story
Four fifths of color
Almost a hit
It's the hit of next summer
Not this one
The next one
Always the next one

  • Tomas Rigoni, UnFauno
  • UnFauno
    Name of Band or Artist
  • Tomas Rigoni
  • Tomas Rigoni
  • UnFauno
  • Fauno Lami
    Key Cast
  • Giulia Bianchi
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Music Video
  • Runtime:
    3 minutes 46 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 1, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    1,200 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    4k, digital video
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Tomas Rigoni

Fauno Lami, aka UnFauno, was born in Rome on December 3rd, 1989. He attended mandatory schools with little enthusiasm abandoning University only a few exams before graduation to finally devote himself to his true passions: Music and Meditation. Then he forms an alternative rock group with whom he will play in various Roman clubs, before breaking up and starting a solo career to make peace with loneliness: to better hear kisses and slaps, whistles and applause. In order to clarify his ideas, he joins a spiritual community in 2014. Instead he will come out 5 years later with wonderfully confused ideas. From that confusion his first solo album will be born

Fauno Lami, in arte UnFauno, nasce a Roma il 3 Dicembre 1989. Frequenta le scuole dell'obbligo con scarso entusiasmo abbandonando poi l’Università a qualche esame dalla laurea per dedicarsi alle sue vere passioni: Musica e Meditazione. Crea allora un gruppo alternative rock con cui suonerà in diversi locali romani, prima di scioglierlo e iniziare una carriera solista per imparare a far pace con la solitudine: per sentire meglio i baci e gli schiaffi, i fischi e gli applausi. Con lo scopo di chiarirsi le idee entra a far parte nel 2014 di una comunità spirituale. Ne uscirà invece 5 anni dopo con le idee meravigliosamente confuse. Da quella confusione nascerà il suo primo album solista

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Director Statement

It's stupid to go looking for love in Marina di Pisa
But someone does
It is naive to ask for affection from a police officer
But someone tries
This song is almost a love story
Four fifths of color
Almost a hit
It's the hit of next summer
Not this one
The next one
Always the next one

È da stupidi andare a cercare l’amore a Marina di Pisa.
Ma qualcuno lo fa
È da ingenui chiedere affetto a un carabiniere.
Ma qualcuno ci prova
Questa canzone è una quasi storia d’amore
Quattro quinti di colore
Quasi una hit
È la canzone della prossima estate
Non questa
La prossima
Sempre la prossima