It was a cold December night when Santas sleigh crashed down to the ground,
they both survived, himself and his deer Rudolph who had always been around.
At night they kept each other warm protected themselves from cold and ice,
but soon they felt the dark around them, felt the devils rolling dice.
Although Santa was a good man and the best friend Rudolph had,
he saw this man change faces more and more a little mad.
One day they almost starved still couldn't find their way back home,
he heard Santas roaring scream with a madman's shivering tone.
The last thing Rudolph saw was a shiny metal axe,
he crushed to the ground while Santa laughed Rudolph's body full of cracks.
His flesh tasted like Christmas dinner he wiped his tears from his cold face,
and Santa became something different, some monster in a maze.
Sometimes if you are quiet, still, you can hear him in the woods,
he is still looking for his long-dead friend while carrying him like goods.
So if you're wise you stay at home and never dare to gaze,
for then you'll find a rotten man they call him SANTA SLAYS.
written by LiaFXart®
Inga Hockamp alias LiaFXart®Photographer
Sebastian StöbeModel
Inga Hockamp alias LiaFXart®Masks/ Props
Country of Origin:Germany
Lens:AF-SNIKKOR 18-105mm
Student Project:No
Gothesque Magazine Issue #60 Vol.2
May 21, 2018
Photo series published amongst other artists -
Best Horror Photography - Series Creepy Location & Set (Childhood Fears Part.2)
August 31, 2019
Creepy Tree Exemplar Award (CTEA) -
Best Horror Photography - Series Creppy Artistic Impression Childhood Fears Part.1)
August 31, 2019
Creepy Tree Exemplar Award (CTEA) -
Best Photography - "Childhood Fears "2"
September 8, 2019
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival Award -
Best Photography - "Childhood Fears "1"
September 8, 2019
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival Award -
Best Horror Art - Series: Creepy Masks & Prosthetics
November 30, 2019
Creepy Tree Exemplar Award (CTEA)
I am a German-based photographer, writer, makeup artist, and mask creator. My art is inspired by horror, the one we experience in movies, books or even our dreams, comics and the fairy tales we loved when we were children.
My goal is to express my feelings with the help of my camera, through storytelling and I always like to add a dark and melancholy touch.
My masks, prosthetics and most of my costumes are all made by myself from sculpting and molding to painting. I am always looking for new inspiration and people who share my love for horror and the dark.