Round The Globe offers cinema & music festivals in the months of October, December, March, and June. In 2024, the December event will be held online, and award winning films will be shared on the RTG website. Viewing links will be provided to all entrants in the award notification letter, prior to the event.
The Round The Globe Film and Music Festival will hold in-person Indie Cinema & Music Events at the Egyptian Theatre in the downtown coastal town of Coos Bay, The Wildish Theatre in Springfield, OR, or the Hales Center for the Performing Arts on the campus of Southwestern Oregon Community College (SOCC), depending on the season. We have an alternate location at the Sprague Community Room in the beautiful coastal town of Bandon, OR. Our event in Bandon, OR is a charitable event, free of charge to the elderly and general public as a service to enrich the cultural experience within the community. Our intention is to bring hope, encouragement, and global healing to the world through cinema and music.
We focus on shorts, not more than 30 minutes in length, but especially are in search of high-quality brief films in the 5-15 minute range. Award winners of Round the Globe Film and Music Festival agree to allow portions of their full-length film to be shown at the film festival gala event. If you do not want to have your film shared at the festival event, please email us in advance. Earning the status of "Selected" means that your film is under consideration for being shown at the festival event. We may accept films that have cursing, but may not be able to share these films at events because younger viewers may be in he audience. Please realize that although a film or song that has a curse word in it may be selected to win, we may need to make the decision that this production may not be shared at our event.
Founding and Executive Director of Round The Globe (RTG): Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. is a psychologist, university professor, natural health professional, and life, wellness, business & brain health coach. Clare is the Founding and Executive Director of Coaching Choice College and, and She is a published author, podcast host, singer-songwriter, and recipient of the Legacy Award from The Akademia for her music and contribution to future generations. She has also won multiple national and international awards for her music and films, co-written with all the RTG Artists.
Mission Statement: Inspiring Hope, Encouragement & Global Healing to the world through cinema and music.
Vision Statement: Round The Globe has an expressed intention to appreciate cultural differences, and to respect that despite our differences, our shared humanity unites us in a mindful manner. Artistic expression through film and music can be the conduit to connect and unite us in oneness.
Core Values:
-Promoting acceptance, tolerance, and inclusion through cinema and music
-Understanding neurodiversity, and increasing insight and awareness through film and music
- Supporting the philosophy of universality, and equality across all cultures
-To explore creative consciousness through expression in film and music
-Sharing and communicating life stories and offering a bridge of understanding to increase resilience, and integrative-sustainability
-To explore social issues and the suggestion of healthy solutions through cinema and music
Film submissions are limited to 5-30 minutes in length. Songs submitted music to be submitted as a WAV or an MP3 file, and if video, an MP4. Entrees are submitted through FilmFreeway, quarterly dates for entrance, and the film festival will be posted on FilmFreeway.
Films Inspiring Hope: The focus of the film should have a storyline in which the characters face a challenge, and find their way to become hopeful and overcome the incident. Character development is especially desirable in this film, and in some manner, the central character offers the viewer inspiration.
Films of Encouragement: The underlying message of the film is meant to offer encouragement, uplift the viewer, and leave them feeling an increased sense of motivation.
Films Focused on Global Healing: There is a great disparity between countries and the availability of resources to address issues of health and wellness. Films in this category may provide insight to identify problematic areas, and remedies to address these concerns, and to support universal acceptance and love.
Women’s Issues: Women are not only a resource of nurturance, but accomplish remarkable achievements either individually, as a part of a family, or within their community. Maintaining life balance is frequently a struggle because of the multiplicity of demands placed on women. Social position and status can look different within the context of various cultures. Films in this category are meant to explore female empowerment and bring insight and increased understanding of the roles women place within their culture.
Men’s Issues: The role of men in cultures throughout the world has been undergoing changes. This can lead to confusion and feelings of insecurity. Modern men may stay at home and care for the children, or they may continue to function in traditional roles. Film submissions about men’s issues are encouraged to address the ways in which men come to understand their emotions, become comfortable with the expression of emotion, and how they connect in significant relationships.
Spirituality: Religious practice is not necessarily the same as spiritual practice; however, both or either can play an important role in our health and well-being. Films that focus on spiritual development, our relationship to ourselves and others within this realm, and how we contribute to the world through spiritual practice would be of interest in this film category.
Social Issues, Resilience & Sustainability: In every culture, there are issues of social injustice, conflict, and social differences, which can affect human or animal existence and the ability to maintain resilience. It is frequently not enough to be resilient because multiple losses can occur, we must instead focus on our ability to sustain resilience. Films that speak to how we might address social concerns that involve the depletion of social, emotional, environmental, or financial resources are welcome in this category.
Best Instrumental Score: Music scores may be from any genre, and the music should evoke visual imagery, and heightened imagination.
Best Original Song: All genres are accepted and will be evaluated based on the quality of performance and production.
Music Videos: All genres are accepted and will be evaluated based on the quality of production in sound and visual imagery.
Original Holiday Songs: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, Easter, or any Holiday song in any genre that inspires hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.
Original Holiday Short Films: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, Easter, or any Holiday short films that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.
Original Holiday Music Videos: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, Easter, or any Holiday music video in any genre that inspires hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.
Faith-Based or Christian Music Video or Original Songs: Profess faith and send a message of hope, encouragement, and global healing through cinema or music.
PG-13 Music Video or Short Films: On occasion, filmmakers, videographers, or songwriters will include language that is not suitable for children but is in the script to emphasize a concept or lyric. This special category has been created so that these submissions don't have to be excluded. Notification of the PG-13 label will be announced at film festival events so that individuals sensitive to language, or who have children or adolescents with them can determine how to make an intelligent decision about viewing.
Special Interest and Historical Topic Short Films or Music Videos: Historical and current events can be cinema-worthy. Please submit films or music videos, that document life events that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing.
Special Interest and Historical Topic Original Songs: Historical and current events can be music-worthy. Please submit original songs, that document life events that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing.
Children's Short Films, Music Videos, or Original Songs: To communicate the importance of inspiring hope, spreading encouragement, and supporting global healing; Round The Globe features cinema and music specially made for a younger audience to view, listen to, and enjoy and they learn about the importance of health and wellness.
Faith-Based or Christian Short Films: Faith-Based or Christian Short Films: Profess faith that sends a message of hope, encouragement, and global healing through cinema or music.
Student Produced Short Films, Music Videos, or Original Songs: This special category was created to invite creative young participants to share their work. If you are under 18 years of age, please be sure to have your parent submit your work. We would be happy to provide a discount for students if you needed. Please reach out to request a code to apply your discount. Student submissions are open to all topics that support the festival's mission to bring hope, encouragement, global healing, resilience, and sustainability to the work through cinema and music.
Festival Submission Categories
Entrees are submitted through FilmFreeway, and winning films and music will be displayed on our website. All winning entrants will receive a certificate of acknowledgment. Please make sure you clearly identify all names that are to appear on the winning certificate at the time of submission, so that if you are selected, the winner’s names will be accurately displayed.
Films Inspiring Hope
Films of Encouragement
Films Focused on Global Healing
Women’s Issues
Men’s Issues
Social Issues, Resilience & Sustainability
Best Instrumental Score
Best Original Song
Music Videos
Original Holiday Songs
Holiday Short Films
Holiday Music Videos
Faith-Based or Christian Music Videos or Original Songs
PG-13 Music Videos or Short Films
Special Interest and Historical Topic Short Film or Music Videos
Special Interest and Historical Topic Original Songs
Children's Short Films, Music Videos, and Original Songs
Faith-Based or Christian Short Films
Student Produced Short Films, Music Videos, or Original Songs:
Winner's Certificate
Winners Posted on the Round The Globe Film & Music Festival Site
All participants will receive a certificate stating their final status that they are encouraged to share on social media or their websites.
Winners films, music videos, and songs are shared within the Round The Globe Facebook Group. Selected winners are shared at the film festival event.