Roses for Magdalena Book Trailer
Book trailer for novel "Roses for Magdalena"
A private investigator searches for a dangerous man while dealing with a personal tragedy. Another soul seeks redemption for past wrongs while a young woman dreams and writes poetry to the Lord.
Sam LauranillaDirectorLess than Full episode 1, Phone skit
Sam LauranillaWriterLess than Full episode 1, Phone skit
Alex ValenzuelaProducerWhen the Party's Over
Sam LauranillaKey Cast"Sam Casalte"Phone Skit
Alex ValenzuelaKey Cast"Amigo Barber"When the Party's Over
Kristen SantoKey Cast"Jennifer's friend"The perfect Christian
Alicia CristianoKey Cast"Jennifer"
Terjean SaffoldKey Cast"Guy Bywaterwei"When the Party's Over
Robert LupacchinoKey Cast"Jeffrey Stiles"
Edna Montantes RuizKey Cast"Imelda Rodriguez"
Thomas GuebaraKey Cast"Tommy"
Johnny RiveraKey Cast"Faithful Servant 1"Less than Full episode 1
Maria RiveraKey Cast"Faithful Servant 2"Less than Full episode 1
Alex ValenzuelaCinematography/EditedWhen the Party's Over
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Web / New Media, Other
Genres:Mystery, Pro-Life, Book trailer, Christianity
Runtime:1 minute
Completion Date:October 3, 2018
Production Budget:6,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Writer, short filmmaker, animator, producer, Youtuber, poet-but mom mother always said to have a dayjob.
Became a Christian 19 years ago after a life of being a wretch. God's grace is still transforming me!
This book trailer is for a novel I wrote about "A private investigator, a lost soul seeking redemption, and poetry to the Lord."