Roma Cinema DOC is a film festival based in Italy, that features the best short films, documentaries and web series from around the world.
All entries counts as Official Selections and will be listed on our website.
On January 2021, Judges will select the best films of each category that will be given the distinction of an Official Finalist of the annual event. In February we will announce the winners that will be screened during the Roma Cinema DOC 2021. Film that will be screened will receive trophies and special prizes.
The best film of the year will win 500,00€.
All the Official selection, Nominees and the Winners will be listed on our website. All the winning films will receive the award certificate via mail.
The best film of the year will win 500,00€.
All entries receive Official Selection Laurels.
Judges will select at least 15 best films of each category:
Best International Short Film (30 min or less)
Best Italian Short Film (30 min or less)
Best International Documentary (60 min or less)
Best Italian Documentary (60 min or less)
Best International Web Series (30 min or less - episode)
Best Italian Web Series (30 min or less - episode)
Best Student Film (20 min or less)
Best One minute Short Film (60 seconds or less)
Best Short short (5 min or less)
Best Films will be screened in special events and will receive special trophy's and different prices including cash depending on our sponsors.
Depending upon the number of entries for each category and the quality of films submitted, we could also give Special Mentions.