Reflections from my looking glass

‘Self-portrait’ is an art form where an artist self-consciously and self-critically explores their relationship with the medium in which they portray themselves. This self-reflective process of creating self-portraits has been fundamentally a psychological and existential journey. I’ve had the privilege of being an outsider (me, as a photographer) allowed on the inside (of me, the subject), searching for meaning, and myself. During this process, I learned, we’re not always sure where we’re headed. We’re not sure what we’re becoming in our photos. It can be a slow, complicated process with unexpected twists and turns. In that sense, it’s a lot like life.

  • Abdullah Saghir Ahmad
  • Genres:
    People, Experimental, Self-Portraits
  • Country of Origin:
  • Camera:
  • Lens:
    18-55 mm f3.5-5.6
  • Student Project: