Open to all filmmakers creatively representing the film community. Entrance fees are non-refundable.
As a condition of entering the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival, you hereby certify that:
1. All accepted films must submit a .mp4 or .mov by Sunday, September 15th at midnight. All non English speaking films must have English subtitles.
2. We accept films both new and old. There are no constraints on when films are made.
3. You grant us the right to publish your trailer and film poster on our website and social media (including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).
4. By sending your film you confirm that there are no copyright infringements on your behalf, and we take no responsibility in this matter. You are also the sole creators of the film, short, new media, music which you have submitted to the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival. You warrant as sole and exclusive owner(s) of all legal right and title thereto have absolute authority to submit the enclosed material to Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival. You warrant as sole and exclusive owner(s) of all legal right and title thereto have absolute authority to submit the enclosed material to Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival.
5. We accept online screeners.
6. By submitting you agree to our terms and conditions. You hereby grant the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival the non-exclusive right to use my name, photograph, and likeness in connection with any and all publicity and promotional activities regarding the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival.
7. I have read, understood, and complied with all eligibility requirements of the categories for which I would like this film to be considered and to the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
8. This film is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
9. I am duly authorized to submit this film to the Festival and its Competition and understand that the Festival holds the right to screen my film for Festival screening and promotional purposes and to extract clips from this film for promotional purposes. I understand this may include online streaming of clips on Festival or Festival sponsor sites.
10. I understand that the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival is not responsible for any type of damage to or loss of the print during screenings, at any other time during the course of the Festival, while the film is in the Festival’s possession or while en route to or from the Festival, and I release the The Prospector from any and all liabilities regarding damage to or loss of the print while en route to/from the Festival or while it is in their possession. You also understand that the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival will not return and is not obligated to return my film or any other materials I/we have submitted to the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival.
11. Films must be the original work of the applicants. If a film is based upon another person’s life or upon a book or other underlying work, applicant(s) must secure any necessary rights to make such adaptations. However, it is not necessary to submit the adaptation rights agreements to the Festival. Neither the Festival nor its jurists investigates or attests to the authenticity of an applicant’s statement of authorship or rights secured. By entering the competition, you represent that you have secured all necessary rights.
12. Applicants are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary rights and permissions for third-party materials included in their films, including but not limited to music, trademarks, logos, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights. The Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival expressly disclaims all liability or responsibility for any violations of the foregoing.
13. In the event the designated party is unable to attend the screening or awards ceremony, I understand that the director and/or producer of the film as listed in the credits of the film shall accept any and all awards in their stead.
14. If selected as a participant in the Festival, television ready media clips of the film must be provided by the date provided on notice of selection if requested. You shall be solely responsible for taking all necessary steps to establish and protect my/our copyright in the submitted material, and the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival shall have no obligation with respect thereto. The Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival shall have the right to reproduce all or part of said material for use in its publicity and any and all related communication directly associated with the Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival.
15. If selected as a participant, I will deliver the film in the format requested by the deadline, set at the time of acceptance.
16. Films must be 1 to 10 minutes in length and must be family friendly.
17. You will indemnify and hold harmless Prospects, Opportunity and Enrichment, Inc., its’ officers, directors, employees and assigns, its judges, sponsors, and partners, individually and collectively, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses including legal expenses arising out of or in connection with any and all claims, or third party claims based on material submitted to Reel Good, Feel Good Film Festival.
18. You have read all of the festival rules, regulations and releases, understand them, and have complied with them. I/we understand that the festival rules, regulations, and releases may change or be updated and that it is my responsibility to read, understand and comply with any changes or updates
19. Entrance Fees are non-refundable.