Experiencing Interruptions?

Ready, Set, Fly

An inventor squirrel named Bean tries to gain the validation of other squirrels in his community through his nut-collecting machines. Enter a flying squirrel named Steve who wins over the community by giving them golden nuts from a tree on a dangerous cliff. Driven by jealousy, Bean builds a flying machine to retrieve the golden nuts and steal the attention away from Steve.

  • Fernanda Loh Xin Yan
  • Fernanda Loh Xin Yan
  • Go Na Choi
    Assistant Producer
  • Meghana Elena Weber-Srinivas
    Assistant Producer
  • Fernanda Loh Xin Yan
  • Go Na Choi
  • Evan Roberts
    Audio Mixing
  • Evan Roberts
    Sound Track
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Student
  • Genres:
    Action, Animation, 2d, Children, Fantasy, 2d Animation
  • Runtime:
    6 minutes 31 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 30, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - LASALLE College of the Arts
Director Biography - Fernanda Loh Xin Yan

The concept of our film focuses on the theme of true fulfilment; it can be achieved when we do the things we love for its own sake rather than for external validation. The idea stems from a personal experience of feeling inferior amongst close friends. The thought of feeling less important or overshadowed by others because of their abilities or the attention they get, made it difficult to realise that life isn’t all about competing to be the best. The constant need to compare and surpass blinds you from seeing what you’re good at, and the negative perspective hinders us from positively improving upon ourselves.

We wanted our audience to understand the film regardless of their age, and address the issue of overly relying on external validation to determine self worth. The film bounced around many interpretations of how the theme could be communicated by exploring moments that made us feel the need for external validation. By using anthropomorphic animals in the film, it allows for more open interpretations of how the theme could be conveyed, and appeal to a wider range of viewers.

Directing a film isn’t easy, but the outcome is rewarding. My ambition as a filmmaker is for my stories to help others and teach them valuable lessons to enrich their lives, as well as something everyone can enjoy.

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Director Statement

Director: Fernanda Loh Xin Yan
Email: fernanda.lohxy@gmail.com