A dark psychological thriller, "RYKER" follows a young and disturbed individual by the name of Ben Ryker. Dr. Robert J. Philip, a highly trained psychiatrist who has evaluated some of the most disturbed individuals in the nation, comes to evaluate Ben Ryker, he learns much more than what he was ever prepared for.
David Clair-BennettDirector
David Clair-BennettWriter
David Clair-BennettProducer
David Clair-BennettKey Cast"Ben Ryker"
Russell KettermanKey Cast"Dr. Robert J. Philip"
Project Type:Short
Genres:Horror, thriller, drama, suspense, mystery, crime, psychological thriller
Runtime:5 minutes 34 seconds
Completion Date:December 4, 2019
Production Budget:5,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No