RROMA Film Festival is a unique project in the Romanian and European cultural space, being the only Film Festival dedicated to the Roma minority. The first edition of the event aims to illustrate the specific culture of this minority, often in marginalized situations, and to promote intercultural dialogue. The festival takes place in the city of Brașov (in the heart of Transylvania) and in Augustin village near Brașov, offering the public free access to short films inspired by the Roma culture entered in the competition, as well as to feature-length cinematographic creations that have won national and international fame. During three days of events, the public has the opportunity to meet personalities from the cinematographic field.
The festival has two major sections, a section for long films that have already been awarded by festivals throughout the world and a second section adressed to filmakers that wish to register their films in the competition.
The festival will host a film production workshop, a culinary tradition competition, traditional music and dance performances.
O RROMA Film Festival si jekh projèkto nevo and-i rumunikani thaj evropikani kulturàlo avlin, ovindoj o korkorutno festivàlo tradino karing i rromani minoritèta. O evènto si k-i angluni edìcia thaj kamel te sikavel i kultùra kadale minoritetaqi kaj butivar si dini rigate, thaj te vazdel o interkulturàlo dialògo. O festivàlo inkerel pes and-o fòro Braśov thaj and-o gav Augustin, andar o źudèco Braśov, thaj putrel drom e publikosqe te dikhel bi te pokinel e xarne-vaxtesqe fìlmura savenqi inspiràcia avel andar i rromani kultùra thaj save si xramosarde and-i kompetìcia, ta vi lungone-vaxtesqe cinematografikane kreàciě save kerdile prinʒarde k-o themutno thaj k-o maśkarthemutno nivèlo
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Screenplay
Best Movie
Festival Trophy
Audience Award