1. Conditions for submissions
All producers, directors and distributors who detain legal control over the work presented may submit. The person or entity that signs the registration form will be considered by the Festival as the sole interlocutor to be contacted regarding issues related to the participation of films in the event and as being solely responsible in the production of the referred film.
2. Categories for competition
2.1 Feature film documentary
2.2 Short-film documentary
2.3 University documentary – made as a component of an academic degree
2.4 Animated documentary
2.5 Documentary and new media – audiovisual productions, installations, video-art, films by/for mobile phones of variable duration which, using non-traditional formats and techniques, explore new concepts of creation and communication of the documentary image.
3. Requirements
3.1. Feature films and short films may compete in DVD format and MP4. All selected films will be projected during the festival with subtitles in Portuguese and English. Portuguese films will be screened with English subtitles.
4. Submissions
4.1 Deadline for submission: 5 january 2018
4.2 Necessary documentation for the registration:
4.2.1 Completed form online on the platforms where the festival is enrolled namely FilmFreeway,
4.2.2 In case of being selected, the producer and / or producer must send: One copy of the trailer. In the eventuality of having no trailer, a selection of images taken from the film with a minimum duration of 30 seconds must be sent. A file with the following elements:
a) Photo of the film director (in jpg. format; minimum resolution 300dpi, minimum size 800x800px)
b) Poster of the film (A4 format, minimum resolution 300dpi)
c) Biographical text about the film director (1000 to 1200 characters, RTF format)
d) Synopsis of the film (1000 to 1200 characters, RTF format)
e) Factsheet (RTF format)
f) Script of the dialogues or narration (French, English or Castilian)
g) Promotional material (press kit)
4.2.3 All this data should be sent by email to
5. Selection
A selection committee formed by professionals in the field will select the films that will compete in the official session of the Festival. The selected films will be screened from 21 to 24 march 2018. The festival organizers will set out the order, date, time and screening room for each of the films competing.
6. Prizes
6.1 Prizes of the official competitive sessions will be awarded by a specific jury for each category designated by the organization. All prizes must be awarded and no ex-aequo award is foreseen.
6.2 The jury of the various categories cannot award more than two prizes for the same film.
6.3 The prizes attributed by the public will be awarded by the viewers who, for each category, will vote on the film after viewing it.
6.4 The prizes of Rios – International Festival of Documental Cinema and Transmedia consist of a trophy and a certificate.
6.5 The prizes are awarded to the following thematic competitions:
Grand Prix of the Festival-Douro
Competition Looks and Frameworks
Competition Memories, Gestures and Spaces
Competition Swim Against the Current
Documentary Prize University.
6.5.1 The thematic data for each competition shall always be the festival's website
7.1. Specific jurors will be designated by the organization for each of the categories. The jurors will be nationally and internationally known personalities of the academic and film world.
7.2. The jurors’ decision will be irrevocable.
8. General Conditions
8.1. The films selected for the competition in the official sessions may also receive other awards from institutions, organizations and enterprises outside the Festival. That award will also be irrevocable.
8.2. All prizes are subject to the current Portuguese fiscal policies.
9. Calendar of selection outcome
9.1. The creators will be informed of the results of the selection by 5 february 2018
10. Promotion
For promotional purposes, Rios may publish, via internet, screening rooms, promotional activities and television transmission, footage of any film enlisted (photogram, record, fragments of the script, press release, etc). The publication of referred material will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes.
11. Screening copies.
The screening of films entered in the competition will be carried out in digital format. The person or entity that enters the film must hand in a copy in that format. After the proprietors have consented, the copies in DVD format can be screened on several occasions during the Festival.
12. Non-selected films for official competition:
12.1. In the case of non-selected films, authorization will be required so that the Festival can screen them at parallel non-competitive sessions.
12.2. The referred films can receive certificates or benefit from any publicity or promotional activity during the Festival.
1. Screenings after the Festival
The DVD copies sent for selection will not be returned and will be added to the archives of the Rios video library. After prior communication to the author or producer, Rios reserves the right to screen enrolled films after the festival as promotional, educational and cultural activities, film courses and/or study activities related to the festival, with no commercial intent or profit.
14. Additional information
14.1. Enrolment in Rios – International Festival of Documental Cinema involves the total acceptance of the present regulation by all participants, agents and representatives.
14.2. Should a candidate fail to fulfil the referred regulation or behave in a manner that might affect the event, the organization can cancel the participation of the film he/she represents.
14.3 The winning films are obliged to include a mention of the prize won at Rios in their credentials and promotional material.
14.4 The Festival may establish supplementary norms and dispositions if deemed opportune for a better organization of the event. The interpretation of the referred norms and conditions as well as other aspects they contemplate will be the sole responsibility of the Festival.
14.5 In case of any legal dispute, only the norms of the Portuguese Legislation will be respected.