Experiencing Interruptions?


Evelyn Scott.. is looking forward to reuniting with two of her class mates, as they make their way to the high school reunion. These three young ladies graduated together...and have not seen each other in over 12 years.

On this very special day they are looking forward to meeting up and talk about the good old days and bring each other up to date with what’s happening in their lives now. Unfortunately, they are unawares that this reunion will turn out to be more important than they could have ever imagined.

On this day...each one of these young women will be making a very important decisions. A decision that they will only have one last chance to make. A decisions will seal their eternal destinies.

Staring: Carmen Greer, Jala Buckley and Emily J. Buckner

Story, Production and Music by: Dray Hill

  • Undra Hill
  • Undra Hill
  • Undra Hill
  • Carmen Greer
    Key Cast
    "Eveyln Scott"
  • Jala Buckley
    Key Cast
  • Emily J. Buckner
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    17 minutes 32 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    May 30, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    100 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Undra Hill

This Journey was very unexpected but a great blessing in disguise. I have been involved in music for the majority of my life. My first attempt at film started with a music video for one of the songs that I wrote entitled "Trust and Believe". Looking at it now, it was a very rough looking job. It was the first of more videos and interviews for myself and for clients to come.

The thought to move into making a short film came in 2015. I wanted to put on a concert but with a different twist. I had three artists including myself. We did not want just the usual concert. The Lord gave me an idea to put together a story and break it up into three parts. Each part would feature each artist in the concert. The part that they played in the film would stop at a certain part, then actually introduced them live on stage. They would complete their musical set then the second part of the film would feature of the second artists, then stop and introduce them. The same thing would happen with the last artist. Thus, it was a concert with a movie in it!

The first movie featured a young man that was encouraged by each of the concert featured artist to come to Christ. I did not want the title of the concert to be so obvious, so I decided to use a code that would describe Jesus without being so direct. So, I equated the word, "faith" with what we must have to believe in Jesus. (without faith it is impossible to please God). Then I equated "town" to where and how we should stay in Jesus. (Jesus said if my word abides in you and you abide in me, you can ask what you will and it should be done unto you). Each artist was a welcoming him to come to Jesus. this is how the Welcome to the Faith Town title was created.

In 2016, I decided to do another concert with the same concept. But I needed another story. This time the Lord gave me the idea about following the spiritual journey of a young woman to Faith Town.

After the concert which was called, "Welcome to Faith town 2 / Real Love", was completed we decided to run even further with this short film. We considered the finished film production was decent, but we believed in could be even better. We decided to make it a serious feature length film and began working on it for the next 2 years and 5 months. Today, we are looking forward to presenting more films.

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Director Statement

It is not easy to see beauty when entering into a struggle or life test, but it's beauty becomes clearly visibly only after you come through the struggle. Faith in God gives one the courage to face the test and the strength to go all the way through.