The children of the village are so happy in their lives due to lack of convenience and education, and on the other side, Children of the city are buried under the burden of fulfilling their parents' dreams.
Samir MakwanaDirector
Khushi JainWriter
Kiran N. JethwaProducer
Jaymeen JethvaKey Cast"jaymeen"school children
Khushi JainKey Cast"Mother"Jaymeen's Mother
Samir MakwanaKey Cast"Old Person "Old Person
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Student, Web / New Media, Other
Genres:Drama, educational, school, childeducation, thirdeyefilm, kjproduction, samirmakwana, khushijain, child, children, education
Runtime:6 minutes 19 seconds
Completion Date:January 9, 2020
Production Budget:282 USD
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Language:English, Hindi
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - NA