Once upon a time I was thinking about QUICKSAND.
I know...a strange thing to think about, but that's a story for another day.
So I went on "good old" YouTube. Search criteria, as it had been lately, was HD & CREATIVE COMMONS. What I found and ultimately used in my film were several instructional videos on what to do if the situation ever arose you found yourself tits deep in QUICKSAND.
My little film, cleverly entitled QUICKSAND, took off. I had over 300 videos and films on YouTube but I had never reached 100K views and at such a rapid pace. Then I receive a strike against my account. I was told it was a copyright infringement strike even though all videos were CREATIVE COMMONS. My film was taken down. I contacted the fellow who flagged my masterpiece. Nice chap, and after conversing a few minutes he granted me permission to use his video, even though it clearly stated CREATIVE COMMONS reuse allowed.
I fought the law and I WON.
Hurray for me!
Reveling in this victory I made another short film entitled DEAR SUBSCRIBERS QUICKSAND IS BACK... (since the publication of QUICKSAND my subscriber base went from a loyal 60 or so to over 200. I thought I'd say hey and thank them for their support)
DEAR SUBSCRIBERS had received over 10K views as of yesterday when I was flagged for inappropriate sexual content. Two strikes in 3 months. One more and say goodbye to my account and 300+ films, most dealing with current news events and topics like racism in America and the Syrian War. Now, one only has to YouTube Search the word QUICKSAND and you'll find most of the CREATIVE COMMONS videos I used. Or... please forgive my language, use keywords such as blow job or anal sex, tits, pussy...its all there. I blushed.
In my film QUICKSAND there is no nudity or implied sex acts. Honestly it's just a few cute girls getting stuck in QUICKSAND. It appears YouTube is now so concerned with upsetting advertisers they have begun to impose Sharia Law on the internet. Let me add one thing here, and it's important...my channel and films are NOT MONITZED. Never have been, never will be. I am an indie filmmaker who had made over 200 films in the last 10 years. I'm proud of the fact that my work had been selected 126 times to date by film festivals and/or public access TV shows. Trust me when I tell you QUICKSAND is not my best work but it has become much more than that. Its about freedom of speech, being wrongfully accused, big business dictating what is and what isn't appropriate for us to watch.
They've got my Sicilian up.
So I am now on a mission.
Sit back and relax.
I hope you enjoy QUICKSAND.
Joe Pisciotta
Runtime:4 minutes 59 seconds
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Since 2007, madridSTREETfilms has been selected in over 150 film festivals in the U.S., online and abroad. We have aired on PBS and Public Access TV in the U.S., Europe and Africa. For independent film and commentary visit madridstreetfilms.com for a look at our work.