Who lives in Prainha?
The documentary portrays the realities lived in the neighbourhood Santo Antônio, also known as Prainha. The movie searchs to discover - and show to the viewers - who are the people that assimilate the community that originated Mariana and those who face prejudice from the city daily. The non-profit project was exhibited in the neighbourhood portrayed and downtown in Mariana.
Larissa PintoDirector
Lara CúrcioDirector
Larissa PintoProducer
Lara CúrcioProducer
Altamiro Francisco SouzaKey Cast
Antônio Pimenta Mendes AlvesKey Cast
DimasKey Cast
Elias GonçalvesKey Cast
Elivelton InácioKey Cast
Geraldo Serra DiasKey Cast
José AntônioKey Cast
Lily InácioKey Cast
Maria Aparecida DiasKey Cast
Maria Conceição MartinsKey Cast
Maria das Graças MoreiraKey Cast
Tito LívioKey Cast
Valéria SilvaKey Cast
Wallison JuniorKey Cast
Wallace VicenteKey Cast
Yasmin Carolina PeteKey Cast
‘Onde cê não vê’ | Composição e interpretação: Matheus SantiagoSoundtrack
‘Bolso nada’ Francisco, el hombre (part. Liniker e os Caramelows)Soundtrack
‘Tá com dólar, tá com Deus’ Francisco, el hombre (part. Apanhador só)Soundtrack
‘Calor da rua’ Francisco, el hombreSoundtrack
‘Triste, louca ou má’ Francisco, el hombreSoundtrack
Leonardo Lopes de SáDrone images
Project Title (Original Language):Quem mora na Prainha?
Project Type:Documentary
Completion Date:February 10, 2017
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Exhibition in Cultural Center "SESI Mariana"Mariana, MG
March 4, 2017
Independent premiere produced by the directors and supported by the Cultural Center to screen the documentary to the city where it was filmed: Mariana.