Script File
Queen Cecelia
In a small, medieval village. One young demon girl must rise above her persecutors, to save her only friend. However, the city guards wont let that happen.
shaun I padillaWriter
Project Type:Student, Short Script, Television Script
Genres:Romance, Action, comedy, fantasy, medieval
Number of Pages:15
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:Yes - NMSU
Born 2001 and an NMSU student, Oldest of 5 brothers and 2 sisters. My name is shaun padilla (male) I am a first generation collage student. My parents split at an early age, leaving more responsibilities than I would like. My family balanced out with a step mom, and more siblings. I have been writing ever since I was 5 years old, and practiced writing at late middle school. I have written many stories for D&D, assignments and for fun. Writing was the only thing I had since my middle school years, because I have never spent more than 2 years at any school (except high school and collage). In middle school I even went to 3 schools in the same year. I was always moving so I never got to stay in one place. At first I wanted to go into law at NMSU, so I took the corresponding classes. However, right at NMSU orientation. I changed my major to scriptwriting. Let's get to writing.
Queen Cecelia was the script that got me into this website. I want to see how it will do.