Quadratic is an experimental music animation by urban designer and musician Morris Paul Lippens, AICP. Themes explored include disruption, shifts in human behavior, and the relationship between the physical spaces of urban habitation and the virtual world that is emerging as the primary landscape of personal interaction. The narrator takes viewers on a journey from oblivion to the kitchen and when the space ship lands let's hope it's butter side up. What side are you rooting for?
Morris Paul LippensWriter
Morris Paul LippensDirector
Morris Paul LippensProducer
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Music Video
Runtime:34 minutes 53 seconds
Completion Date:January 21, 2021
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Video
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Paul Lippens, AICP, specializes in planning and designing urban systems utilizing strategies that reflect the values of people and their communities. His theories on Environmental, Social, and Technological Disruption in cities have been featured in professional journals conferences across the Midwest, including his presentation “Coding for Disruption” at CNU27, Disruption and Design at CNU 30, and the article “Planning for Disruption: Droids, Disaster, and Demonstration” published in the “Michigan Planner” journal. Paul is the primary author of “Complete Streets, Complete Networks,” winner of the APA-IL award for best practices. His work to create “future transportation” plans that embrace suburban retrofit and progressive street network design has been recognized with multiple awards from the Michigan Association of Planning and CNU-Michigan. Paul is a frequent speaker engaging audiences and lecturing on design and policy implementation at national, regional and local conferences. He has guest lectured at DePaul, Eastern Michigan, and at UIC, where he served as Adjunct Professor. Paul holds a Master of Urban Planning from University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing and music from Hampshire College. He is a Vice President with McKenna.
The video animation "Quadratic" is a little bit of a George Clinton meets "The Wall" experiment. It is as much about the medium as it is about the journey. Like many of the motifs explored in of the music of Paul's Big Radio, we drift between physical and ethereal spaces. Catching a ride on a light beam and finding peace in a grilled cheese sandwich.