1. The total running time must be 3-6 minutes for primary school students. All other entries should be 3–10 minutes, including credits.
2. Filmmakers are free to explore and present in whatever manner, style or genre they choose while still keeping in mind ethical and moral standards (ie no nudity, violence, sex scenes or bad language) and that the films are for general exhibition. If you still are unsure about something and need more information feel free to ask us.
a. Primary School age (12 and under)
b. Secondary School age (13-18years)
c. Open (all ages) Discovery Coast Region
d. Open (all ages) National and International
3. All films must be submitted in HQ video file (e.g MP4, AVI). Along with a high resolution photo of yourself, preferably on a shoot set and one of a scene from your film to be used for our website and media-related publicity are to be uploaded to our FILEDROP (on the next page)
4. Any non-English entries must contain English sub-titles.