Experiencing Interruptions?

Pulling Wool

Luke (Conler Mandt) and Stacey (Gabi Van Horn) have been friends for what feels like forever. A co-dependent friendship is describing it lightly. The two rely on each other for everything. Even when that everything includes Stacey helping Luke scam, steal, and cheat his way to raising $7,000 in 24 hours to pay off his puppy adoption gambling debt. Described as an R-rated Olsen Twins Adventure in Brooklyn, PULLING WOOL will show you the true meaning of being an emergency contact and leave you wondering how far you would go to save your best friend's life. 

  • Steve Ward
  • Ashley B. Cohen
    Bruce The Movie, Ghost Girl, New York is Dead
  • Conler Mandt
  • Carloyn Mignini
    Key Cast
    The Deuce, Escape from Dannemora, Veep, House of Cards,
  • Lance Lemon
    Key Cast
    Loving, Lincoln, Killing Lincoln
  • Gabi Van Horn
    Key Cast
    Whats Best, Relationship Goals, Cabin Killer
  • Conler Mandt
    Key Cast
    "Luke "
  • Tom Kelley
    Key Cast
  • Patrick Williams
    Key Cast
  • Ariel Mahler
    Assistant Director
    Death and Bowling, The Ant Farm
  • Kevin Deming
    Songs for a Sloth, Crafting a Nation,
  • Lou Blackmon
    Sit Back and Relax, Call the Sandman,
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 27 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    February 21, 2020
  • Production Budget:
    22,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Montreal Independent Film Festival
  • Manhattan Film Festival
    New York City
    June 22, 2021
    Awarded "Best Screenplay"
  • New York City Independent Film Festival
Distribution Information
  • N/A
Director Biography - Steve Ward

A transplant from Toronto, Ontario, Steve Ward has been invalided in the New York film and theater community since 2005. After studying and then teaching at The Lee Strasberg Institute, Steve has performed in various stage and screen productions. He has also directed indie music videos, sketch comedy and short films. Recent projects include directing, writing, and producing online content for INVERSE, Marvel, and Facebook Watch.

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Director Statement

New York City has become my life. For a decade now I have walked its street, lived and worked in its buildings,fought and flowed with the daily hustle and bustle. No matter how stable your life is you never know what the city is going to throw at you. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that it is impossible to live here without support. You will never feel lonelier than when you are surrounded by 10,000,000 people. When I first read the script for Pulling Wool, I immediately identified with Luke and Stacey’s co-dependency. Their platonic relationship echoed many friendships that I have had during my time in the city. Sex and romantic love take a back seat to survival. In New York, your life can change by deciding to take the express train instead of the local which is why we all need a person who is there to help us climb out of the holes that we dig ourselves into. Pulling Wool not only invokes the need for companionship in the city, it also represents New York as a place that never stops moving. At its core Pulling Wool is a road movie traversed by foot and subway. A road movie usually posits characters into a fish out of water situation. Luke and Stacey are in constant motion I want to show that no matter how well you know the city, it can change in the blink of an eye. It’s a cliche to describe New York as a character in your movie. In Pulling Wool, I want NYC to be a Swiss Army Knife. The city is 10,000,000 things to 10,000,000 people. Luke and Stacey know how to use it to their advantage. If we are in Times Square I want to show a Times Square that only they know. If we are in the backstreets of Bushwick, I want to show something to the audience that they have never seen before. Even though our road movie doesn't take Luke and Stacey to a geographical location that they have never been before, and at the end of the trip they will have changed.