Puelche is a song that was born as a commission to be part of the music of the Chilean pavilion at the Buenos Aires book fair winter of 2023.
I had to reflect a geographical feel from the music for the pavilion. And remember the history of the city of Santiago from that theme. From geography. And in that search the Puelche concept happens.
Of the south wind that warns of waters and storms through fresh winds prior to a new Natural Disaster. A whole river with an ancestral air that when it reaches the city of Santiago. We feel and look again at its geography. We realize its precariousness. How tiny we are before the spectacle of nature. And that all of Santiaguino feels that hidden love for its beautiful City.
In that sense, the video for the single rescues a film from the year 1940. Of North American origin, in charge of the office of coordination of inter-American business affairs. Directed by Julian Bryan the film called "Housing in Chile: A government's plan to provide better housing." Which portrays the life of a family that lives with the precariousness of the new modern city that is being forged in the Del Mapocho valley. This time with a modern imprint. Where they can be called as the first generation until today.
It is then proposed to energize the film in what Single Puelche will happen. Resulting in a perfect development of the found footage technique, to set film to music; Similar to what was developing in those years with silent films until the Second World War.
In this way, the emotion of that family from some neighborhood in Ñuñoa, Providencia most likely, is rescued. Where the family's excitement about accessing their own home is conveyed.
Rescuing the importance of knowing how to coexist with quality public architecture, homes that to this day respond to the inclemency of storms. From a housing dream but always in a river city.
The single was recorded and produced by professional producer and musician Nicolás Hernández Hernández, who was also in charge of the ethnic instruments he owns. Giving the song its own colors and dynamics. Current characteristic of ZM's work; precipitate the unique identity of his ambient electronic music. Consulting new analog instruments, for each work of art he makes.
The post-production was in charge of Estudio Madrid 925. Owned by the musician, composer and professional percussionist Marco Iribarren, who was also in charge of the Final Master of the single. About the video clip of the song; Pietro Clandestino. Singer-songwriter from the band Zapomono was in charge of the proposal.
And finally in charge of the motivational music and line, the Korg developers through two state-of-the-art machines; The Monologue and Minilogue of the year 2017. And in percussion the indomitable reversal of the Roland Tr8. Proposal that has been able, through this Back-Line, to bring to light the maximum possibilities of new music of the future.
JULIEN BRYANDirectorOffice of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
JULIEN BRYANWriterOffice of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
JULIEN BRYANProducerOffice of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Project Title (Original Language):Puelche
Project Type:Music Video
Runtime:3 minutes 56 seconds
Completion Date:February 10, 1940
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:Chile
Country of Filming:Chile
Shooting Format:35mm
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Julien Hequembourg Bryan (23 May 1899 in Titusville, Pennsylvania – 20 October 1974) was an American photographer, filmmaker, and documentarian who documented the daily life in Poland, Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1939, in the leadup to and early days of the Second World War. He was honored with a Decoration of Honor Meritorious for Polish Culture during his last visit in Poland (1974) for showing the truth about the Invasion of Poland.[1]
His documentary film Siege reported on Poland's defense of its capital against Nazi Germany in September 1939. It is stored and viewable online at the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in a digitally restored form in HD.[