"Prophecy" is a short film that channels the voice of the divine to touch the souls of all who experience it. It is a testament to the power of film to elevate the human spirit, inviting viewers to open their hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities of existence. As the credits roll, the audience is left with a profound sense of connection, inspiration, and a renewed faith in the extraordinary potential that resides within us all. "Prophecy" is more than a short film; it is a transformative and transcendent experience, a gift to humanity from the realms beyond.
Marie LicciardoKey Cast"Prophetess"
Hannah HeadingKey Cast"Muse "
VON DAMSound Designer
SP_CAMELLIAMusic Composer
FIESTACHIProducition Designer
Hannah HeadingVoice Over Actress
FIESTACHICamera Operators
Project Type:Experimental, Feature, Short
Runtime:25 minutes 56 seconds
Completion Date:September 14, 2023
Production Budget:100 AUD
Country of Origin:Australia
Country of Filming:Australia
Shooting Format:VHS Camcorder
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Indieline.ioDistributorRights: All RightsCountry: AustraliaRights: All Rights
Film Finery StudioSales AgentCountry: AntarcticaRights: All Rights
I AM a determined individual, my journey into the world of film was sparked by a life-altering incident during my military service in Australia. Surviving an accident that miraculously spared my eyesight, I realised only years later what it meant. The urgency of pursuing my passion without hesitation, that's what it was. This pivotal moment propelled me toward embracing the art of film and photography, a calling that has since become an inseparable part of my identity. Over a mere three-year span, I've honed my craft, capturing over 14,000 evocative 35mm film photographs, alongside with countless hours of VHS footage that encapsulate the nuances of life, emotions and us. HUMANS. Through this relentless pursuit of visual storytelling, I've not only discovered the intricacies of cinematography but also gained profound insights into myself and the world around me. Fuelled by unwavering determination, this artistic odyssey remains an endless expedition into the boundless potential of creativity. That's me. Now, let's do some good.
Your dreams on the big screen, our legacy in the making.