On October 29, 2017, I was notified via a Film Freeway email that my short film had been accepted to the Princeton University Film Festival and that it would be screened on November 11. 2017. On November 1, 2017, I sent an email to PUFF thanking them for our selection, asking what they needed for an exhibition copy, and requesting that they let me know our screening time so I could be there (a 5+ hour drive for me). There was no response so, on November 5, I sent a follow up email again asking what they needed for an exhibition copy and for our screening time. I also pointed out that both their website and Facebook page have not been updated since 2016. As of today, November 18, 2017, I have still heard nothing, their website has still not been updated since 2016, and I have no idea whether the festival even took place. This is a very shoddy way to run a "festival" and a shabby way to treat filmmakers.