Pride of Ukraine
The documentary reveals the history of the LGBT Pride movement in Ukraine. The film tells the story of KyivPride, the first attempt of the Ukrainian LGBT community to rise up and make their voice be heard by the government. The documentary also includes interviews with activists and allies from Ukraine, Canada and Germany, as well as footage from KyivPride events in 2012, the successful march in 2013, and to the cancellation of the 2014 march.
Michelle EmsonDirectorTransgender Life in Slovenia
Olena SemenovaProducer
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Documentary, LGBT
Runtime:50 minutes 23 seconds
Completion Date:March 24, 2015
Production Budget:15,000 USD
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada, Germany, Ukraine
Language:English, Ukrainian
Shooting Format:HDV
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Premiere (World/Ukraine)Embassy of Canada, Ukraine
March 27, 2015
World/Ukrainian Premiere -
Premiere (Germany)Munich
March 29, 2015
German Premiere -
Premiere (Canada)Carlton Cinema, Toronto, ON
May 6, 2015
Canadian Premiere -
KyivPride 2015Kyiv, Ukraine
June 5, 2015 -
Brantford PrideBrantford, ON, Canada
June 16, 2015 -
Muskoka PrideClub 1, Bracebridge, ON, Canada
July 21, 2015 -
Fierté Montreal PrideMontreal, QC, Canada
August 14, 2015
Distribution Information
Sanctuary Studios IncCountry: CanadaRights: All Rights
Michelle was so inspired by the courage and bravery of four Ukrainian LGBT activists that she switched her focus from commercial photography and video production to the plight of human rights in Ukraine. "Pride of Ukraine" is a work of passion which is just the beginning of her documentary filmmaking career. After many years in boutique video production Michelle has now found her purpose; to create powerful documentaries on LGBT rights in ex-Soviet countries, particularly Ukraine.
Whilst this is my first full-length documentary it represents an important asset to the Ukrainian LGBT movement. Human rights in Ukraine are currently open for debate and I find it critical that the LGBT community there wins the international support of western civil societies. That's the mission behind "Pride of Ukraine" and it has already proven to be effective.