Portraits of emotions

Time passes, and with it even the memories of a life fade, and all that remains is to look forward and dream of a life in color.

  • Datlas Erre
  • Erre Luis
  • Jane Vanda
  • Country of Origin:
  • Student Project:
Artist Biography

Pasquale Ruotolo in art Datlas Erre was born in Naples, Italy. I was interested in art from a very young age. In 1995 I obtained the Diploma of Dramatic Art at the Vincenzo Bellini Academy in Naples. During my travels between London and New York I devoted myself to the art of photography, publishing numerous shots for some prestigious print and online magazines. I have exhibited for various group exhibitions and in 2020 I earned a master's in photography directed by Steve McCurry. In 2020, through my photo portrait project, I obtained a portfolio on the Lensculture website. Curator of various graphic sections for artists of the Italian music scene for Suono Libero Music.

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