The Argentario Art Day Association, in collaboration with the Municipality of Monte Argentario, is promoting Pop Corn Short Film Festival, a short film competition open to all national and international video-makers.

Submission fee:
Early Bird Deadline - free entry - February 28
Regular Deadline - 10 € - June 2

Festival dates: July 25-26-27, 2025
Festival venue: Piazzale dei Rioni, Porto Santo Stefano, Monte Argentario (GR)
Italian Short Movie
International Short Movie
Animation Short Movie

Prizes for a total value of 25.000 euro

Best Italian Short Movie:
- cash prize of € 1.000
- Pop Corn Festival Trophy

Best International Short Movie:
- cash prize of € 1.000
- Pop Corn Festival Trophy

Best Animation Short Movie:
- cash prize of € 1.000
- Pop Corn Festival Trophy

- "Raffaella Carrà" Prize to the short film with the most original idea will receive a cash prize of € 4.000

- Audience Award: Pop Corn Festival Trophy.

- Panalight Prizes € 8.000 for film and television equipment rental

- Inlusion Creative Hub Prizes
Best Italian and International Short Movie 3 days of color grading with colorist commercial value of approximately 3,600 euros per prize.
Best Animation 3 days of mix room with sound engineer. Commercial value approximately 3,000 euros.

- Mujeres del Cinema Prize to the short film made by a female author or to a story focused on a theme related to the female universe

- the Crew United Award, for the three directors awarded in the three categories

Winners are requested to insert the logo of the Festival in
the opening credits of the works awarded, together with
the prize awarded. Prizes will be awarded to the authors
or their representatives who will ensure their own
participation in the award ceremony.


The Argentario Art Day Association, in collaboration with the Municipality of Monte Argentario, is promoting Pop Corn Short Film Festival, a short film competition open to all national and international video-makers.
This year all works should be inspired by the theme: “Imprints, traces of life”.

Deadline: February 1st – June 2 2024
Submission fee:
Early Bird Deadline - free entry - February 28
Regular Deadline - 10 € - June 2

Festival dates: July 25-26-27, 2025
Festival venue: Piazzale dei Rioni, Porto Santo Stefano, Monte Argentario (GR)

Italian Short Movie
International Short Movie
Animation Short Movie

Length: not exceeding 20 minutes, including opening and closing credits.
Theme: all short films must follow the theme “"Lightness, the weight of happiness”, suggested by the Festival.
Language: Italian and foreign language with Italian or English subtitles.
Format: all kinds of formats are accepted, extension MOV, AVI, MP4, BLUE-RAY including short films shot with mobile phones, smart phones, go-pro and so on.
Short films that have already won or have been presented at other festivals are also eligible. Each applicant may submit one or more works.

NO LATER THAN JUNE 2, 2025 submit your work via filmfreeway.com platform.
Selected works that will participate in the Pop Corn Short Film Festival will be evaluated by an Artistic Jury composed by industry professionals that will be announced at www.popcornfestivaldelcorto.it.

Applicants whose work(s) will be selected to participate in the Pop Corn Short Film Festival on July 25-26-27, 2025 will be notified by e-mail by June 10, 2025 and must fill out and sign the participation form we will send them.

Be sent NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 2025
Provide an English and/or Italian dialogue list if the short is in a non-italian language
Contain promotional material such as: photos of the director, scene photos, short film poster, synopsis, director’s biography, trailer ecc. All material will be used for the Festival catalogue and the social media promotion. The decisions of the Artistic Jury are final. The film shorts in competition could be screened according to the procedures and the schedule of the exclusive responsibility of the Festival Management.


Best Italian Short Movie":
- cash prize of € 1.000
- Pop Corn Festival Trophy

Best International Short Movie:
- cash prize of € 1.000
- Pop Corn Festival Trophy

Best Animation Short Movie:
- cash prize of € 1.000
- Pop Corn Festival Trophy

- "Raffaella Carrà" prize to the short film with the most original idea will receive a cash prize of € 4.000. The short film with the best original idea will be awarded with a cash prize of € 4.000. The short film will be also screened at Sudestival, the Film Festival of the City of Monopoli twinned with the Pop Corn Festival.

- Audience Award: Pop Corn Festival Trophy.

- Panalight Prize € 8.000 for film and television equipment rental

-- Inlusion Creative Hub Prizes
Best Italian and International Short Movie 3 days of color grading with colorist commercial value of approximately 3.600 euros per prize.
Best Animation 3 days of mix room with sound engineer. Commercial value approximately 3.000 euros.

- Mujeres del Cinema Prize to the short film made by a female author or to a story focused on a theme related to the female universe

Prizes will be awarded to authors or their representatives who guarantee their presence at the award ceremony.

By submitting a work to the Festival, the applicant assumes the responsibility for owning the rights to it and authorizes this Festival to register it in its archives and to submit it to technical and artistic collaborators.
The Festival disclaims any responsibility for the reproduction of audiovisuals containing copyrighted material for which the SIAE position has not been regularized. Joining the competition implies full acceptance of the regulations. The Court of Grosseto has jurisdiction for any cases and/or disputes.
Finally, the Festival organization reserves the right, if necessary, to make any changes to these Regulations without prior notice.

Application to the 2025 Pop Corn Short Film Festival competition implies full acceptance by the author of this call for entry.

Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27/04/2016 (GRDP) all personal data that are provided for the competition or are related to it are processed by the organizers for the sole purpose of the conduct, management and control of the competition itself and the dissemination of its final outcomes.

Overall Rating

    Festival super giovane e con una programmazione sempre attenta ed internazionale. Ogni anno vengono proposti lavori di eccellente qualità provenienti da tutti gli angoli del mondo. Enorme plauso alla cordialità dell'organizzazione, alla puntualità della comunicazione ed al pubblico presente in massa in ogni serata. Continuate così!!!

    August 2024
  • Lucila Riggio

    La comunicazione con il festival è sempre stata veloce e gentile. Il programma è ricco, variegato e di qualità. La piazza è sempre piena. L'accoglienza, top. Ottime possibilità di networking in un clima rilassato, sul mare, con grandi ospiti.

    August 2023
  • Adam Baroud

    Amazing! I really enjoyed my time in Porto Santo Stefano, the festival team was more than welcoming and professional. The selection of films was high quality and inspiring to say the least.
    Much love, hope to attend again.

    September 2019
    Logo popcorn
    Response from festival:

    Dear Adam, you won everyone with your sensibility and your talent! At Soon :)))

  • Great festival created by great people!!!

    August 2019
    Logo popcorn
    Response from festival:

    thank you Yuri! A great Festival with great Authors :)))

  • Ok, I won. But it's a great Festival anyway. Great passion and enthusiasm

    August 2018
    Logo popcorn
    Response from festival:

    Thank you we were honored of your participation!