Play The Game
“Play the Game” is an animated short film which takes a clever spin on the mundane. With a light-hearted spirit, the film explores the chronicles of some daily life situations through the lens of four popular childhood games in Egyptian culture which stood the test of time such as musical chairs and freeze tag. Visualized in four different animation styles and rich with detail of all the eye would capture in an Egyptian city, the film takes the viewer on a journey of intrigue and anticipation of the coming game and the unexpected reactions from the film’s characters. Joyful and hilarious, the film is a nostalgic ode to the childhood of every Egyptian, and how this childish spirit can give us all a lighter take on our daily lives.
Sandra TadrousDirector
Ahmad ThabitDirector
Muhammed TawfiqWriter
Samaka StudioProducer
Ahmad ThabitArt Director
Project Type:Animation
Runtime:3 minutes 52 seconds
Completion Date:November 7, 2020
Country of Origin:Egypt
Country of Filming:Egypt
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Annecy Film FestivalAnnecy
June 14, 2021 -
Animatex Film Festivalcairo
November 14, 2020
Distribution Information
Samaka StudioDistributorCountry: EgyptRights: All Rights