Pigeons attack
Who would have thought that an ordinary walk on the playground could end differently than usual. Three friends: Ilya, Andrey and Leva, will escape from the explosions. After all, they were attacked by pigeons that drop bombs.
Илья НазаровDirector
Илья НазаровWriter
Лев ОрловWriter
Илья НазаровProducer
Илья НазаровKey Cast"Илья"
Лев ОрловKey Cast"Лёва"
Андрей ИгонинKey Cast"Андрей"
Project Title (Original Language):Атака гуль
Project Type:Short
Runtime:3 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:June 11, 2020
Production Budget:270 USD
Country of Origin:Russian Federation
Country of Filming:Russian Federation
Shooting Format:Canon SX50 HS
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No