Paolo Pandin, born in 1993. Graduated from the Graphic Technical Institute “A. Palladio” in Treviso, then graduated in New Technologies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, passing through the University of Cinema and Theater “IL Caragiale” in Bucharest. From a very young age he has been passionate about the world of audiovisual and entertainment. He has been making monologues on social issues since high school, several reports on the world of the mafia, volunteering and regarding the economic crisis of 2012. All located in the area where he lives, Treviso and Veneto.
After that, he moves into the world of artistic video experimentation, without ever abandoning his activist inclination, making several short films within the academic world and art videos, always inserted within the exhibition world of the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. He then continues in various parallel activities such as the organization of events and art exhibitions, Teacher of Graphic Arts Laboratory at the "Marco Fanno" Institute of Conegliano, and the organization of the first provincial review of Stand Up Comedy "Comedy Golden" (the last in collaboration with Niccolò Falcone of the Teatro a l'Avogaria of Venice), he creates his first more mature audiovisual works.
In 2015 he made an experimental documentary within the 72nd Venice Film Festival, through the "arTVision - a Live Art Channel" scholarship, together with three other colleagues: Chiara Missaggia, Laura di Nardo and Riccardo Bortolotti
In 2018 he made the documentary "Badanti" and the experimental film "Hanno Ucciso l'Uomo Ragno". Both works focused on what is real, reread through an editing that creates multiple levels of reading. This is the author's focus: using audiovisual language to tell the simple reality, trying to bring out the multiple levels of reading that already exist in the things of the world.
In 2019 he participated in the European project "Historic" as a Senior figure for the development of video content for the promotion and modernization of the historical cultural realities of Altino and Torcello, coordinating the work of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice and creating various multimedia contents. Senior colleagues: Valentina Zanrosso, Giacomo Vidoni and Samir Sayed Abdellattef. Project coordinators: Stefano Marotta and Roberto Russo. Project manager: ESU Venice.
Always on the idea of bringing out multiple levels of reading from the observation of reality, he began a series of experimental video clips in collaboration with the musical artist Andrea Gava and the collective "Le Trou Eletronique", focused on Venice and the Lagoon.
In 2020 he made "Venice is on the Water" an experimental video clip, inspired by Brodskij's reading and by an artistic journey on the border between matter and spirituality.
In 2021 "Night Reflections", in 2023 "Laguna Sud" and "Laguna Nord" is being made. Other audiovisual projects are in progress, always in collaboration with the artist Andrea Gava, among the latest, an experimental video clip shot in the exhibition spaces of the Biennale Arte ECC in Venice.
In the meantime Paolo Pandin makes several satirical video reports on social problems in Venice and on a commercial level promotional videos both as a videomaker for festivals, brands, art exhibitions, fashion shows, trade fairs and local companies, and as a director and producer for small commercial and corporate productions.
Official Selection
Night Reflections
Innuendo International Film Festival
Official Selection
Night Reflections
Independent Days International Filmfestival - Filmfestspiele Karlsruhe
Official Selection
Venice is On the water
Rovereto DOC Fest - World Cultural Heritage
Offial Selection
Venice is On the water
Asolo Art Film Festival
Official Selection
XI Festival Internazionale del Cinema Patologico
Official Selection - Documentary
Edera Film Festival
Winner - Best Original Music
The death of Spider-Man
Apulia WebFest 2019
Terlizzi, Bari
Winner - Best Low Budget Movie
The death of Spider-Man
Caorle Indipendent Film Festival 2019
Winner Best Experimental Movie
The death of Spider-Man
Independent Talents International Film Festival
Official Selection at Unexposed Art Exhibition, Venice, Magazzini del Sale
The death of Spider-Man
Unexposed 2018
Official Selection
Venice is On the water
The Lift-Off Festival Sessions
Pinewood Studios
Official Selection
The death of Spider-Man
Independent Talents International Film Festival 2018
bloomington, IN
Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia
Nuove Tecnologie | Arti Visive e Multimedia - 110/110 Lode
Universitatea de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică „I.L. Caragiale” din București
High School
ITIS Grafico A. Palladio
Diploma Perito Industriale Capotecnico - Specializzazione - Arti Grafiche 80/100
Birth Date
September 23, 1993
Birth City
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