POOR ALL is a performance/show conceived by the Choreographer Diletta Brancatelli, aka DIDì, who physically investigates the theme of the absurdity of war through a light and at the same time incisive language.
The intent is to shed light on the contradictions that exist in the contemporary world, a world in which one tries to live a normality while not very far away massacres, wars, massacres are taking place.
POOR ALL wants to talk about wars in general, and not about one war in particular, because the places are not important but the people involved, and the fact that certain atrocities continue to exist is a symptom that human beings have not understood what it really is the love.
While group dances are performed in one part of the world, in another part people dance with weapons and machine guns, while in one part one thinks of aperitifs, clothes, events, in the other part there are bodies they blow up and shreds of skin become ash in the air, the same air we are all meant to breathe.
We are all involved, always, and what we can do with art and live entertainment is give voice to this scenario, bring out all the emotional substrate and transform it again, trying to perform a sort of magical act that can subvert at least spiritual level all this nonsense.
POOR ALL is a show/experience that, despite staging the atrocious contradictions of wars, wants to be able to send a message of peace, balance and love, wants to go through that pain to then bring out the strength of love for life and for freedom.
Deep down we are all poor, desperate and in need of love.
POOR ALL is a common cry to want to change things, to rediscover unity among men without this becoming utopia.
Daniele StocchiDirector
Diletta BrancatelliWriter
Diletta BrancatelliProducer
Diletta BrancatelliKey Cast"DIDì"
Emma le GallKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):POVERI TUTTI
Project Type:Music Video
Runtime:2 minutes 34 seconds
Completion Date:January 8, 2023
Production Budget:500 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Regista ed autore cinematografico attivo tra Roma, Parma e Bologna, esordisce alla regia con il cortometraggio “Stai Sereno”, distribuito da Zen Movie e Rai Cinema e vincitore del premio Globo d’oro nel 2018, assegnato da “Associazione Stampa Estera”. Il corto viene selezionato in più di sessanta festival nazionali ed esteri, aggiudicandosi vari premi e menzioni speciali. L’anno successivo realizza il cortometraggio “Sombras”, presentato al Festival del Cinema di Roma presso lo spazio Roma Lazio Film Commission. Nello stesso anno dirige il documentario “Monte Calvario”, co-prodotto da Piroetta Film e girato in Cile, vincitore del fondo di Co-Sviluppo Mibact “Italia-Cile” 2019.
Vincitore Globo d'oro 2017 con il corto dal titolo "Stai Sereno" e miglior corto 42hr Asperger Film Fest con "Gli Incredibili"(2022).