Experiencing Interruptions?


Re-Make, Re-model: Plastiktonez’ incredible reinterpretations of cherished popular music landmarks defy the nostalgic response.
Plastiktonez is a series of experimental investigations in sound, image and text created by artist Justin Wiggan and designer James Ockelford.
The project centres on the dramatic re-imagining, both musically and visually, of nine significant pop cultural artefacts in the form of well-loved and critically acclaimed albums.
It’s a project that has allowed Wiggan - an exploratory performance artist working at the interface of film and sound - to examine the role that nostalgia, memory and influence play in our understanding and recollection of popular music.
Each of the musical pieces that make up the Plastiktonez series have been de-constructed by Wiggan to a point where familiar signifiers and markers are almost completely obliterated - scoured away until the resonating values of the work surface only occasionally, acting as anchors in a completely new audio re-telling.
These newly transmuted works were then presented to 18 creatives who were asked to reflect and respond instinctively to what they were listening to and produce new written or visual elements to accompany the soundscapes. The creative outcomes, which differed widely in style and scope, further helped to re-make and re-model these pop-cultural landmarks, pulling them yet further away from their usual orbits, into new galaxies of existence.
The completed films, which are the culmination of the Plastiktonez project, have been created by designer Refold (James Ockelford). Each a stunning assemblage of the sounds, texts and images created through the process, these nine unique and transfixing interpretations resist the passive nostalgic response that typifies the instant playback hit of popular music and deliver something that feels almost entirely... new.

Plastik Tonez is series of hyper-focused experimental investigations in sound, image and text to decode the power of memory as part of an antidote to a disease called nostalgia.

The series looks at the de-construction of the resonating values of cultural mnemonic devices which have lodged themselves into our emotional memories and frame our life experiences via the act of listening and reframe the notion of owned personal copyright.

Artist Justin Wiggan in collaboration with designer James Oklesford have developed an approach to reassess personal cultural collateral values of ten significant pop cultural milestones through a fictional lens of fake AI / Machine Learning. Humans faking to be machines to understand machines faking to be humans .

They have mined the influential sonic and ocular- centric assets of these cultural landmarks within the narrative of a post apocalyptical mindset . A time when humans no longer exist but machine slaves of digital flesh , binary chimeras have been set the task to reassemble these pieces of human cultural works based on the knowledge of the parts in both emotional , cultural referential and composition .

This is a human and machine transaction where neither is the recipient or the giftee.

This is an enhanced questioning process to assimilate enforced empathy through redacted familiarisation.

The re-creation of a cultural theme park for memories siphoned through a fictitious motive of buried emails, half coded Memes and broken Wikipedia links.

A narrative in which the viewer calls into question cultural trust and ownership of self without choice , following an encrypted script for grey animals in electric caves.

Plastik Tonez celebrates the collapse of the superstructure of nostalgic control. Human acting on the perspective of AI, AI acting on behalf of Human.

Wiggan and Ockleford has amassed a collective response from 20 creatives to produce 9 explorational variant audio / visuals operations based on 9 familiar cultural anchors.

PRSTXS part of that series , a version of the classic Paris Texas.
Innovative photographer Adrian Whipp supplied the stunning images and writer / musician Richard Formby the text , scored by Justin Wiggan and complied and designed by James Oklesford

  • James Ockelford
  • Justin Wiggan
  • James Okelsford
  • Justin Wiggan
  • James Okelsford
  • Justin Wiggan
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short
  • Runtime:
    31 minutes 28 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 18, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    4,000 GBP
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Shooting Format:
    35 mm
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director - James Ockelford, Justin Wiggan