The house is the body itself and in it lies the possibility of gestation-maturation, of perceiving oneself, turning to oneself, to the process; there is no ending.
Study of the eternal body-house process, cocoon, meeting with himself and the sensations around him.
Herika Reis KohlrauschDirector
Herika Reis KohlrauschProducer
Herika Reis KohlrauschKey Cast
Pedro A. GutmanCinematographer
Project Title (Original Language):Oráculo
Project Type:Experimental
Runtime:6 minutes 15 seconds
Completion Date:August 8, 2020
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
FUNARTE - Fundação Nacional de ArtesRio de Janeiro RJ
December 22, 2020