"On Deck Circle" MASHUP
Greetings and thanks for tuning in. Tonight your filmmaker will explore the inner workings of an abnormal mind. In BEATING OF MY HEART, he relives his childhood, while the film, HOUSE FOR SALE, is located on the corner of reality and fantasy. We hope you enjoy the show.
"On Deck Circle" MASHUP
by Joe Pisciotta
a madridSTREETfilm
And to a certain beloved Video ART broadcasting company out of London... Thanks for always liking my work
Joe Pisciotta
Joe PisciottaWriter
Madrid Street FilmsProducer
Runtime:1 minute 28 seconds
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Since 2007, madridSTREETfilms has been selected in over 175 film festivals in the U.S., online and abroad. We have aired on PBS and Public Access TV in the U.S. and Europe. For independent film and commentary visit madridstreetfilms.com for a look at our work.