A professional appointment and an international audiovisual market focusing mainly on film debuts and short films.
OFN is an exclusive event in an exclusive location for producers, directors, screenwriters, distributors and buyers all over Europe. It is a place where collaborations arise and European production and co-production projects take shape.
Matchmaking, co-production and pitching forums, panel and talk and projections are the working formulas with which we try to reach the set goals.

Atelier Euro.Med: Workshop / Hospitality
Corto Sardegna: 10.000€ (services)


AEM is a laboratory dedicated to under 35 years old authors from Euro-Mediterranean region preferably without company production to develop documentary projects.

Six documentary projects will be selected without limitations of narrative style and experimentation no longer 50 minutes. Selected projects will be invited to Sardinia during the Olbia Film Network 2020 to work alongside professional tutors who can help the project grow. At the end of the creative residency all authors will have to submit new updated creative materials.

At the end of the first creative residency the projects will support a public masterclass and all authors will continue to the Metaponto Film Network the documentary production and development process during the second creative residency. Only one of the six projects will receive an award which will be announced shortly.

1st workshop Basilicata – Bernalda/Metaponto 6 – 8 august 2020
2nd workshop Sardinia – Olbia September 2020

The organization guarantees to the selected authors the costs related to accomodation and meals during the festival (only 1 person for project).

1) The author or authors must come from Euro-Mediterranean region (along with all european countries, 11 Southern Mediterranean and African: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey).
2) The author or authors must have previously made at least one short film. The short film will be an important basis for eligibility.
3) The author or authors must be under 35 years old.


Synopsis (max 1 page)
Concept (max 8 pages)
Director's notes (max 1 page)
Director's biography (max 1 page)
Link to the short film previously made
Optional additional materials

All materials must be submitted in Italian or English, in a single pdf, Courier Final Draft format 12, using the FilmFreeway platform from February 3rd, 2020 with deadline April 27th, 2020. Applicants must confirm their full availability for all the workshops. The working language of all workshops, meetings and events is English.


The submission has a cost of 10 € and allows to get accreditation to the industry days of the Olbia Film Network with related services and discounts for food, travel and accommodation.

Course participation fee: 300 Euro (+ VAT, if due). This amount covers workshop training, hotel and part of the subsistence during the workshops. Participants must pay their travel costs. 

For further information please do not hesitate to send an email to project@olbiafilmnetwork.it

Corto Sardegna è un progetto unico nel suo genere in Sardegna, che darà la possibilità a cinque autori di prendere parte al mercato internazionale di cinema OLBIA FILM NETWORK per presentare i propri elaborati

1) L'autore o gli autori devono essere europei o residenti in Europa.
2) L'autore o gli autori devono avere meno di 40 anni al momento della partecipazione al festival.
3) L'autore o gli autori devono aver realizzato almeno un cortometraggio in precedenza ( come regia o come sceneggiatura). Il cortometraggio costituirà una base importante per l'ammissibilità.
4) La storia deve avere un forte legame con la Sardegna e deve essere ambientata e girata in Sardegna

Materiali richiesti:
Sinossi (max 30 righe)
Script (max 15 pagine)
Note di regia (max 1 pagina)
Biografia del regista (max 1 pagina)
Link al cortometraggio precedentemente realizzato
Nota di produzione (max 1 pagina, se il film ha già una società di produzione)
Filmografia parziale della produzione (max 1 pagina, se il film ha già una società di produzione)

Materiale da presentare in UNICO FILE PDF:
Font Courier Final Draft, misura 12

Verranno selezionati i migliori 5 progetti tra i primi 100 ricevuti, con giudizio insindacabile dell'organizzazione.

Per ogni lavoro presentato l'organizzazione garantirà la PIENA OSPITALITA' a un solo autore e facilitazioni a possibili accompagnatori.
I progetti selezionati verranno sviluppati con l’aiuto di tutor professionisti e poi pitchati ad davanti alla giuria tecnica.

L'opera vincitrice riceverà degli aiuti alla produzione quantificabili in 10.000€