"Over The Real, created and directed by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, Lino Strangis, and Veronica D'Auria, has been presenting the most significant lines of research that have emerged in the digital arts since 2015. Over The Real is connected to an important network of curators and participates in events worldwide.
The upcoming edition of Over The Real is scheduled to take place in Lucca and Pietrasanta (Tuscany, Italy) from the 19th to the 28th of September 2025

International Award € 500,00


Artists interested in participating in the Festival must have reached the age of majority for the International Award.

a) Each artist or group can present only one work.
b) No works created before 2024 will be accepted.
c) The file should be labeled with title, length, year, and author.
d) You can send a download link to the video file
e) The file must be in a standard format currently in use.
f) We recommend that the file does not exceed 2GB (two gigabytes) in size for easy downloading of the video.
g) The theme is free.
h) Works previously presented in the Over The Real call editions may not be submitted.

a) Works can be submitted until 11:59 pm on 13 July 2025.
b) The Festival will send a confirming email to every artist whose works will be accepted by mid-August 2025.

a) All works will become part of the Festival's files for use in cultural performances, non-commercial purposes, and as part of the event.
b) 10 single-channel audiovisual works will be selected for the International Award.
c) In the first selection step, the jury consists of Over The Real directors: Maurizio Marco Tozzi, Lino Strangis, and Veronica D'Auria.
d) For the second step, following the awarding of prizes, a jury of experts will be set up, and their names will be announced once the first selection step has ended.

a) Main Award worth €500.00 (five hundred Euros). Among the 10 works selected and exhibited during the X edition of Over The Real, a jury of experts will award the prize to the best artist of 2025.
b) The award will be delivered during one of the days of the Festival.

The files submitted to the festival will not be returned to their authors. All works will become part of the video library of the Festival and may be presented for cultural and/or educational purposes (in any non-commercial case) by broadcast channels that the festival's direction deems appropriate, subject to notice and confirmation of the author.

The organizers reserve the right to the exhibition of works that may be harmful to human rights. Taking part in the festival implies full acceptance of these rules.

NOTE: The omission or misrepresentation of any requested information may result in exclusion from the competition. Incomplete applications will not be considered acceptable.