In the future world after the demise of mankind, the Earth is covered by the mechanical sky. Omi, who lost his memory, fell from the mechanical sky to an abandoned spacecraft. He encountered his new friend of the Mechanical, Fish. They used their scientific knowledge to solve problems and fixed the spaceship to go back to the mechanical sky. Is it possible that the Mechanical and the Subspecies become friends? What kind of secret is hidden in the mechanical sky?
The TV series is about Omi’s adventure, leading children to learn scientific principles. Through the solution of the crisis, they will understand how to use science knowledge in an easy way.
Ruei-Fong HUANGDirector
Ruei-Fong HUANGWriter
Chu-Ying CHIANGWriter
Leslie ChengWriter
Sheep WuProducer
Project Title (Original Language):歐米天空
Project Type:Animation
Runtime:13 minutes 50 seconds
Completion Date:August 6, 2021
Country of Origin:Taiwan
Country of Filming:Taiwan
Shooting Format:4K
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
International Animation Film Market Annecy 台灣館
Started animation creation in 2000. Distinctive for narrative rhythm within lens and blocking, especially specialized in layout and composition sensation. Fond of raining days which brings inspiration and sense of full life.
I always remind myself that animation is a practice for life process, and to clearly present a vivid philosophy of art is to have a professional industry chain and all the partners who did their best of all their heart on the project. Therefore, to maintain sincerity and be thankful is a reminder for a director to always put in mind.