NUKEBUSTERS seeks powerful films to inspire millennials to get active in the movement to eliminate nuclear weapons. We seek compelling stories, original voices, and a magnetic quality that inspires action. We encourage entries in any format: documentary, advocacy, narrative, animated shorts or music videos. Can you make a creative film that will speak to youth?
For more info please visit
Grand Prize:
A $5,000 cash prize for the best short film by a student filmmaker (may not have graduated college/university before August 2014)
A $5,000 cash prize for the best short film by a professional filmmaker
***The winning shorts will be aired at the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Atlanta on November 19, 2015.***
A $1,000 cash prize for the best short film to articulate the economic argument (budget) for the abolition of nuclear weapons
A $1,000 cash prize for the best short film to articulate the health argument for the abolition of nuclear weapons
A $1,000 cash prize for the best short film to articulate a faith-based message for the abolition of nuclear weapons