Private Project

Note to Self

Teo lives in a house by himself, desperately attempting to compose a new melody on his piano, but the only sound that comes out is a single obsessive note. Fighting his ennui and creative block, he will have to deal with the irruption of the outer world, represented by the arrival of a girl called Letizia, and of an inner world, in the form of a blurred Ghost/Presence that secretly observes and smothers him.

  • Maria Gorgoglione
  • Maria Gorgoglione
  • Maria Gorgoglione
  • Valerio Chicca
  • Federico Cesari
    Key Cast
  • Giulia Sanna
    Key Cast
  • Alessandro Marzullo
    Key Cast
  • Elena Sbrogiò
  • Giorgia Melillo
  • Matteo Hrvatin
  • Margherita Marzari
    Color Correction & VFX
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    29 minutes 46 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    February 23, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    4,500 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Maria Gorgoglione

Born in Puglia, I moved to Rome driven by my passion for Cinema. I took a three-year degree at La Sapienza where I mainly focused on film history and analysis and became very passionate about modern and contemporary art. My Master’s degree was carried out at RUFA - Rome University of Fine Arts, where I shot three short movies and I realized I was deeply passionate about film directing.

As a production designer I’ve had different experiences in independent short films, web series and feature films, giving me the opportunity to understand firsthand the importance and needs of each department.


Nata in Puglia, mi sono trasferita a Roma per coltivare la mia passione per il cinema. Ho studiato dapprima a La Sapienza, focalizzandomi principalmente sulla storia e l'analisi del cinema e appassionandomi all'arte moderna e contemporanea. Successivamente ho intrapreso un percorso più pratico alla RUFA, dove ho scoperto la mia passione per la regia e diretto tre cortometraggi.

In questi anni ho anche avuto diverse esperienze in corti, web serie e film contribuendo nel reparto di scenografia e costumi. Queste esperienze mi hanno formato anche come regista, dandomi la possibilità di comprendere in prima persona l'importanza e il ruolo dei diversi reparti.

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