Only!! Nordic films in English/Nordic Languages
Nordic Labour Film Festival, NLFF looking for Nordic films in English/Nordic Languages related with Labour/union/Organising for 2nd Labour film festival on 1-2 oct, Bergen Norway.
About Festival:
Nordic Labour Film Festival, Bergen ( Arbeiderfilmfestivalen ) was started Oct 2-3 2021 by the film collective dotLeft, Bergen in collaboration with RåFilm film collective, Malmo and with support from the Bergen municipality and trade union LO.
This year the film festival is being organised in collaboration with the Bergen Film Club ( the oldest film club in Norway along with our previous partners.
Nordic Labour Film Festival is not a regular film festival. We are a meeting point for labour film in the Nordic region as well as a platform for a new workers’ movement. In focus are, beyond labour film, conversations and activities for learning, for finding new visions and for organising. We are Scandinavia’s only labour film festival so far, where film is used to raise important issues and gain new perspectives. With Malmö as a hub, we also want to gather and spread labour films in the Nordic countries and globally. This is the second year of the festival in Norway.
We have gained inspiration from a global movement of festivals for labour film, but chosen to shape our own. With the union movement as a basis we want to create a meeting place where trade unions and its members can meet other actors working for an inclusive society, film makers and the public. We want to re-evaluate the concepts of workers and labour by including more people in these concepts and inviting them to meetings between individuals and groups that otherwise will not naturally meet. We saw that there are not so many forums for this type of film or meeting places where a new type of labour movement can be developed. Through film, we want to strengthen and revitalize a labour movement that can include the reality of many.
We have raised issues such as social security systems in change, trade unions’ international solidarity work, union struggle with migrants, restrictions on the right to strike and culture as tools for change. Nordic Labour Film Festival is a regular annual event that also arranges screenings and talks in collaboration with other events and organisations.
We don't believe in Awards or competition in Labour/Radical films but if we see the film relevant then we pay the licences fees for the films and invite the film maker for the talk and Q&A