Script Files
The true story of webmaster Wissam Haddad who invented in 1997, all of today's woeldwide escort directories' photo templates idea. Wissam beats a 20 year heroin drug addiction and realizes that his family has been running the escort market secretly for 20 years and used almost half the money generated from it (almost 50 million dollars) to keep him in a torture bubble that followed him around the world in order to keep him contained and oblivious.
wissam haddadWriternone
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:233
Country of Origin:Canada
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
First screenplay.(not finished yet due to deadline). My screenplay says it all - Biography and more.
New screenplay and all ready with no spelling errors and different beginning and ending will be ready by march 10, 2019. Please excuse my unprofessional ism.