
A young girl with a physical injury loves past appearances and makes an unlikely friend.

  • Libby Rue
    Key Cast
  • Jess Antrobus
    Key Cast
    Sunsprite, Objectification
  • Kianna Bliven
    Writer, Director, Producer
    Mort., Sunsprite
  • Townsend Dick
    Director of Photography
    Sunsprite, The Beech Boys, Mort.
  • Sterling Maffe
    Keys to Picture, Mort., Sunsprite
  • Austin Bland
    Norman, Honey!, Vices
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Sci-Fi, Family
  • Runtime:
    2 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    July 2, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    500 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography

Kianna Bliven was born on July 4th, 1996 in Snohomish, Washington, USA. She attended Biola University in La Habra, California, and graduated from the Cinema and Media Arts program.

From a very young age, she has always possessed a passion for storytelling and has found imaginative ways to bring ideas to life. It was in her early teens she fell in love with movies and the impact they had on audiences. She decided she would strive to become a director, not only to tell stories, but also to listen to the stories of both her audiences and her crew.

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Director Statement

At times, we all feel like we don't fit in - whether we look different, talk different, or think different - we are in a constant battle of being unique but wanting to feel like we belong.

Where everything is individualized sometimes we forget or are too fearful to reach past our differences and make personal connections.

Nightlight is about how kindness is contagious. One person at a time, kindness and love can spread and change hearts. Looks, language, and even species doesn't change our capacity to love one another.