The New Media Film Festival® represents a convergence of technology and tradition, offering a hybrid platform that caters to both in-person and online audiences. This innovative event showcases a diverse range of categories, from the classic to the cutting-edge, reflecting the festival's commitment to embracing the evolving landscape of media. With a focus on boundary-pushing content, the festival provides a unique space for creators to present their work in various formats, including traditional screenings and experiential presentations. This approach not only honors the storytelling craft but also celebrates the role of technology in shaping new methods of media consumption and interaction. The festival's inclusive ethos is evident in its wide array of categories, ensuring that there is a place for every form of creative expression.

Our mandate is to be fair to all creators, in all ages, all cultures and all media.

Grand Prize Award, priceless. Meetings with HBO and Marvel, along with studio time in Los Angeles, and various production & Mongo Media Solutions services, and a Filmustage package, among other perks.

All category winners are awarded a custom hand-painted wood film slate and a Filmustage package, value $1000.00

Top 3 Scripts are awarded a certificate for a Filmustage package, value $1000.00, Script Reader Pro & Scriptwriters Network packages.

Awards valid for 1 year from festival date, non-transferable.

If you are not present when we announce your name at the Awards Ceremony, we will ship your personalized award upon receipt of a pre-paid shipping label or the cost to ship.

A nominee pass for the title accepted. Classic content, the director. Scripts, the writer, Tech content, the creator. With this pass, nominees can enjoy an Eco friendly red carpet experience, engage in a Q&A block after their screening, networking and more. The pass also includes promotional press opportunities, social media mentions with a significant reach, and online recognition of the cast and crew. Additionally, there are financial incentives like guest discount codes and the potential for distribution on a wide array of platforms. This pass represents a valuable opportunity for industry professionals to gain visibility and consideration for their content.

*By submitting you are agreeing to our mandate: We are fair to all creators, in all ages, all cultures and all media. If you are offered an opportunity outside of the festival (95% of creators understand and appreciate these opportunities) this is great news, but it may not be right for you. Take a moment to think about it and ask questions, you always have the right to say no. This does not affect the festival portion of your submission.

By submitting you are agreeing to the Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions below. When these are violated they negatively affect all of the other creators involved and that is not fair to anyone involved, even guests.

Due to recent experiences, here is a friendly reminder: There are No Refunds, that is the policy. One of the reasons is, you submitting via filmfreeway have the right to buy insurance from them that allows you to that service. Please re-read * above as you cannot be treated differently from other creators, it violates our mandate, COC and T&P.

Terms and Conditions: The New Media Film Festival® offers a unique opportunity for creators to showcase their work in a competitive yet inclusive environment. With a focus on story, production value, and new media elements, the festival accepts a wide range of media submissions. Entrants must hold the rights to their content and adhere to specific exhibition guidelines, particularly regarding public showing in the Los Angeles studio area prior to the festival. The submission process involves a review by a panel, and if the majority approves, the content is accepted into the festival.

The judging process further refines the selection, with the festival team choosing the top three in each category to proceed. It's important for entrants to understand that once accepted, withdrawal is not possible after the notification date, and they must agree to release the festival from liability and abide by the decisions of the judges. This comprehensive approach ensures a fair and exciting competition for all participants.
We accept content already distributed, already online, still in post.
If we have the Los Angeles Premiere when your content is accepted into the festival, it must not screen within the 50 mile studio zone of Los Angeles within one month of our festival date.

Maintaining the integrity of any competition or event is crucial, and it seems that the outlined policy is designed to uphold such standards. The right to disqualify participants for violations is a common practice that ensures fairness and adherence to the rules. Communicating these violations to involved parties, such as funders, judges, and the press, not only reinforces the seriousness of the rules but also maintains transparency in the process. It's clear that these measures are in place to protect the opportunities provided to creators and to preserve the reputation of the organizing body for future events. Upholding these standards is essential for the continued success and credibility of any organization.
Thank you for your time. We appreciate you.

Overall Rating
  • Pickleball is Life: Dill With It!

    What an incredible festival! Pickleball is Life: DILL with it was honored to receive the BEST TV show award. Susan and her team of volunteers couldn't have been more organized and created such a fun event , where they treated all the creators and filmmakers like royalty ! The food, the venue space was all top notch. But the best part was the ample time and the venue being conducive to networking. Loved it! Carol Ann DeMarco, Creator/Writer/Co-Director Pickleball is Life - DILL WITH IT!

    June 2024
    Response from festival:

    YOU are the one who is amazing. Your thoughts and input have always been for everyone, not just yourself. We appreciate you and the fun you bring to the screen. Keep it going! Not sure if you received the distribution offer yet, if not - email me and I'll forward.

  • Pierre Renaud

    I really enjoyed participating in this festival. When I had questions, I was answered quickly. I couldn't attend the event in person but I noticed that there is a great, dedicated organization.

    June 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thanks so much for your kind words Pierre, greatly appreciated. We are so glad you could participate.


    Great festival, network, wonderful food, and hospitality. Congrats. "Orlando Mendes - Producer"

    June 2024
    Response from festival:

    Hello Cinegear, not only did you create a fun AI project, you kindly reached out to us after the festival and offer to create a sizzle video. Proud to say it is up on our website. THANK YOU and hopefully you get some gigs out of this as well :) Keep up the great work.

  • Leonard Eckhaus

    It was a pleasure being involved the the New Media Film Festival. The event evening was a huge success and I enjoyed being there.

    June 2024
    Response from festival:

    Leonard, I was on the 1st set of the Great Gatsby with Robert Redford as a child, I was sitting on the lawn of the mansion with other crew kids and Robert walk towards us. Even as a child, i knew, he was elegant, and kind and being the star, talented. The moment I met you, yo exuded those Hollywood Studio Days qualities. Thank you for taking the time to share some of your amazing experiences (2 X Grammy Nominee and more) to the audience during the Q & A . You showed people we are in this together, that it is not just about any one person. THANK YOU. Keep making great stories.

  • Great festival! Honored to be a nominee!

    June 2024
    Response from festival:

    Hello Ron, It was so wonderful to have you as a nominee.