Private Project

Nature Hater

The poem “Nature Hater” by Kathleen Bryson was first published in Wordrunner eChapbooks in 2024 in a different form. The original poem text is below. The short film “Nature Hater” is part of a larger environmentalist feature-in-progress called “Madame Earth”.


I don’t like the term coronavirus art.
Californian blackworms crawl towards me, only me, I’m targeted,
they’re genetically modified like in films like Uranus
Attacks 1960s films with buxom Zsa Zsas
You get the picture. You’re a nature lover.
You don’t know what art is, but you know it when you see it.
You don’t know what permafrost is, but you know it when it melts.
You’re a social animal in a double split experiment and this is a social identity theory.
Perhaps taking place in the city of Split, Croatia on our side of the
parallel universe. We’re stuck here, my friends. Our Split Airbnb had an
eccentric deposed noble as host who now in 2017 worked for the
Croatian city tourist industry and mined our respectively dull minds’ shallows for
English advertising slogan suggestions. Lickety-split. Time to Split. We weren’t helpful.

Melting glaciers have thinned down bergs to surreal sculptures of the
same monster worms revealed by the melt, like a drained lake once prematurely
dammed. There is Lumbriculus variegatus again, it’s a bullying thing.
I try to avoid its eyes but the fucker has no eyes.
It is practicing macroagressions against me, anyway,
it is ignoring me because it is in a zoom meeting.
This particular worm has made it so I am no longer a nature lover.
I’m all about the misobiotic.
I am all for Climate Change now. Fuck the worm.
The glaciers keep melting. There’s me in 2017.
A head and shoulder bust of freeze.
It was from five quantum years ago, back when
I used to smile. I’m doing this wilderness evolution thing
where I’m modifying and recombining the previous paintings
to create a new mutated one. I’m
doing this thing. Hashtag saveourfuckingplanet.
A friend is distracting herself in the midst of the pandemic
by growing a monster worm in a jar on the window sill.
That was when I first saw it clearly, through
whittled glaciers, the iced glass of a pickle jar.

  • Kathleen Bryson
    Four previous feature films
  • Kathleen Bryson
    Four previous feature films
  • Flying Saucissons Productions
  • Kathleen Bryson
    Key Cast
    "Madame Earth"
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Music Video, Short
  • Genres:
    Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Environment
  • Runtime:
    3 minutes 24 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    January 31, 2025
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Kathleen Bryson

I am an Alaskan director (4 produced feature films) and novelist (3 published novels) and painter (10 solo exhibitions). My day job is working as an evolutionary anthropologist currently studying the ethics of virtual reality and mixed reality for the EU (12 peer-reviewed first-author or single-author research articles; 2 non-fiction books; 1 Ph.D. thesis!). I live in London (UK).

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