No name is an art music video filmed in Iceland at the vulcanic beach Vík. The video art was produced by a expedition of a group of artists in a creative catharsis during the midnight sun period inspired by the nature entientities of Iceland.
Jens OstbergDirectorJens Ostberg
Gleeson PaulinoDirectorGleeson Paulino
Lia ParisWriterLia Paris
Pepper CulturalProducerCarolina Pepper, Caroline Pepper
Lia ParisProducerLia Paris
Lia ParisKey Cast"No Name entitie "Lia Paris
Jens OstbergKey Cast"Jens Ostberg"Jens Ostberg
Project Type:Experimental, Music Video, Short
Genres:Sci-Fi, Art video, musicvideo
Runtime:4 minutes 59 seconds
Completion Date:January 28, 2020
Production Budget:10 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Iceland
Shooting Format:Digital5D mark II - 1920 x 1080p
Aspect Ratio:16:09
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
IndependentDistributorCountry: WorldwideRights: Internet
A Brazilian native himself, Gleeson Paulino grew curious in more recent years about the lives of the indigenous natives of his home country, including the protection of their societies and the Amazon. Exploring themes of identity, culture, and the threat of climate change to its ecosystems, Gleeson’s series sheds light on the beauty of Brazil’s diversity, from its people to its landscapes. Inviting viewers to see contemporary Brazil from a new eye – as a land of lust, hope and longing