Private Project

No Dogs Left

Seeking to become famous, JD a selfish "influencer" and his filmmaker friend, discover a dire secret after infiltrating a supermarket to film a video that could make them viral.

  • Arianne Pérez
  • Diego Alamillo
  • Diego Alamillo
  • Julieta Juárez
    ASHEN, Ground Control
  • Diego Alamillo
  • Andrea Marcos
    Key Cast
  • Diego Alamillo
    Key Cast
  • Ricardo Leal
    Key Cast
    La Jaula
  • Luis Mario Gameros
    Key Cast
  • Sergio Quiñones
    Key Cast
    La Jaula
  • Miriam García
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Ya No Quedan Perros
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student
  • Genres:
    Thriller, Suspense
  • Runtime:
    27 minutes 49 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    January 5, 2025
  • Production Budget:
    7,500 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Tecnológico de Monterrey
Director Biography - Arianne Pérez, Diego Alamillo

Since she was young, Arianne Pérez loved reading and writing stories to help her brother sleep. She later shared her stories in the classroom as a storyteller where she discovered a passion for cinema. Recently she graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey and has participated as director and art director in several projects such as "No Dogs Left" (2024), "The North Face Mexico commercial" (2024), Redemption of the Fallen (2023), and Eternal (2022).

Born in Mexico, Diego Alamillo is an actor, writer, producer and director who showed interest in film and theater from a very young age. After participating in many small theater and film productions, he went on to study in Tecnológico de Monterrey, were he wrote and produced his first short film "ASHEN” (2023) which was selected in 21 festivals around the world, later on, he wrote “YA NO QUEDAN PERROS” (2024) a mysterious thriller with a powerful message for future generations, which also turns out to be his director debut alongside Arianne.

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Director Statement

With "YA NO QUEDAN PERROS" (NO DOGS LEFT), we aimed to explore the potential consequences of our poor consumption and production habits in the rawest way possible. We are examining how the system and lifestyle of excessive consumerism (which we now see as normal) could ultimately be the same force that leads to our downfall in the long run.

"No Dogs Left" also addresses issues such as the desensitization that has arisen since the beginning of the digital era, and the dangers of prioritizing material goods over everything else, since both human and animal lives are constantly being affected by excessive production and consumption. What’s even worse is that, despite knowing all this, most of us choose to remain as mere spectators rather than actually make a change, and most likely, after watching this short film, we will head out for a hearty beef and some cold beers, raising a toast for how the world’s problems seem not to be ours to solve.

Con “YA NO QUEDAN PERROS” quisimos explorar las posibles consecuencias de nuestros malos hábitos de consumo de la forma más cruda posible, planteando cómo el sistema y estilo de vida exageradamente consumista que hoy en día vemos como algo normal, podría ser el mismo que acabe con nosotros a largo plazo.

YA NO QUEDAN PERROS también trata temas como la desensibilización que ha surgido a partir del crecimiento de la era digital, y lo peligroso que puede llegar a ser para las futuras generaciones el poner los bienes materiales y los lujos por encima de todo lo demás, ya que constantemente hay vidas humanas o animales que se ven afectadas por la producción y el consumo desmedido.

Lo peor de todo es que, a pesar de saber todo esto, la mayoría elegimos ser viles espectadores en lugar de atrevernos a generar un cambio y seguramente después de ver este cortometraje, optaremos por disfrutar de una rica carne asada y unas buenas chelas para así, brindar por como los problemas del mundo no son nuestros para resolver.