***If you are a native or resident of North Dakota, use the code NDstrong for free entry.****

NDstrong is pleased to announce its first annual Spring Film Festival. For this festival we are seeking completed film productions in either our adult or youth category. The deadline for registration and submission of a film is April 22, but if you register by March 30 you will receive an early-bird registration fee discount (you can still submit the film by April 22).

All submitted films will be featured throughout the day on May 7th. Adult film category submissions will begin to be shown at 10 a.m. with youth film category submissions to follow (times are subject to change and are largely dependent upon the amount of entries). Location of film festival to be determined.

All films will be judged by a panel of experts from the Minot area community. Awards will be given to the top three films from each category at an awards ceremony to follow film viewing on May 7th.

Top winner of each category and the winner of the "NDstrong Viewer's Choice Award" will be awarded a prize package consisting of locally donated items and gifts.

Rules and Regulations
• All films must be submitted by April 22 for entry into the festival
• Registration is required before or on the date of film submission. Films submitted without registration will not be included in the festival.
• Adult submissions must not have a rating above “R”; youth submissions must not have a rating above “PG-13”; If a film is submitted that exceeds these ratings, the film will not be played at the festival and the registration fee will not be returned.
• No film shall contain explicit nudity.

Youth Category Specifics
• Youth category submissions should be 10-20 minutes in length. Any film submitted that is less than 10 minutes in length or greater than 20 minutes will not be included in the festival and registration fees will not be returned.
• Youth films must be works directed and produced by middle school or high school students. Adult supervision must be limited to an advisory capacity only.
• The deadline for film submission is April 22. If a party registers but does not submit a film, the registration fee will not be returned.
• Youth submissions should not have a rating greater than “PG-13”

Adult Category Specifics
• Adult category submissions should be 30-45 minutes in length. Any film submitted that is less than 30 minutes or greater than 45 minutes will not be included in the festival and registration fees will not be returned.
• Adult category films must be works directed and produced by adults aged 19+ and are not enrolled in high school at the time of production.
• The deadline for film submission is April 22. If a party registers but does not submit a film, the registration fee will not be returned.
• Adult category submissions should not have a rating greater than “R” and should not include explicit nudity.

*All end credits are EXEMPT from the final running time.*