In this drama, a high school student (Jerrel Barnes) suffers from social anxiety and a general lack of confidence. His crush (Sedona Salb) makes the first move; however, it remains up to him to overcome his ever-present doubt.
Paul CosbyDirector
Paul CosbyWriter
Paul CosbyProducer
Jerrel BarnesProducer
Jerrel BarnesKey Cast"Sean"
Sedona SalbKey Cast"Kate"
Paul CosbyOriginal Score
Ezra GeisslerDrum Soloist
Garrett MiddletonProduction Assistant
Gavin MiddletonProduction Assistant
Project Type:Short
Runtime:19 minutes 55 seconds
Completion Date:April 29, 2019
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Broadneck High School Underground Film FestivalAnnapolis, MD
United States
May 1, 2019
Best Short Film -
Saul Zaentz High School Film FestivalBaltimore, MD
United States
June 7, 2019
Best Dramatic Short -
All-American High School Film FestivalNew York, New York
United States
October 13, 2019
Official Selection
A student at Broadneck High School in Annapolis, MD.
MYSELF was created and produced entirely by Juniors (at the time) at Broadneck High School.