Private Project

Murder Box

A stand up comedian with a deranged stage persona is interrogated by police after his narcissistic ex-girlfriend starts an online blog about him.

  • Gerald Varga
  • Gerald Varga
  • Gerald Varga
    One Night Stab
  • Gerald Varga
    Key Cast
    "Sam Geraldson "
    Better Than Chocolate
  • Jimmy Gannon
    Director of Photography
  • Desiree Zantolas
  • Kelly Richard Fennig
  • Steve Dunphy
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 22 minutes 35 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 30, 2018
  • Production Budget:
    16,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    4k Digital
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Gerald Varga

After making video's about his stand up character to promote live shows, Gerald discovered that film was his true passion. In order to sharpen his skills, he began working at a film equipment rental house and enrolled in video editing courses at the British Columbia Institute For Technology. In 2018 Gerald completed his first feature film, "Murder Box" which was an official selection at the Unnamed Footage Festival, the only film festival in North America which shows exclusively found footage, faux documentary and POV horror films.

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Director Statement

Ten years ago I invented a stand up comedy character named Gerald Gerald Geraldson, a creepy looking psychopath with a protruding vein on his forehead and a bloody hand who tells terribly funny jokes between occasionally inserting a straw into his open wound for a slurp of blood. The character instantly made me somewhat of a local celebrity in Vancouver, BC, and I immediately started working as a professional comedian, getting paid hosting gigs at late night horror screenings, opening for touring productions of Evil Dead the musical, and even a one hour headlining performance at the 2009 Global Comedy Fest. Needless to say, I ditched my regular non make-up wearing act. Playing the bad guy was fun!

But it just wasn't fulfilling enough to do stage shows. I felt like Gerald Gerald Geraldson was worthy of something more and so began years of attempting to write a movie script. I probably did at least 10 different types of screenplays, usually slasher type films but I just couldn't get it right until one day I started watching some real life interrogation videos on YouTube where criminals would crumble in front of sly Detectives. These video's fascinated me. The criminals who committed these crimes came from all kinds of backgrounds and most of them were somewhat respected in their communities. Nobody would have ever suspected them and they all seemed to have a cover, usually a high profile career or at the very least, no criminal record. And so I thought, "What if I turned out to be a criminal who used the cover of joking about evil behaviour as his cover?" What kind of a movie would that make?