Experiencing Interruptions?


A dispersive and immersive multimedia concert, "MiMo" (acronym for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) is a permanent dialogue between sound and visual art. The technical device is inspired by Faraday's Cage. The music of nOx.3 & Linda Oláh is a combination of electronic and acoustic sounds. It combines composition and improvisation. Echoing our music, the visual material is improvised from a "composed base". The editing of the videos and the digital drawing are realized in real time. The spectators are invited to move around the device. The sound spatialization encompasses them and synchronizes with the videos directed live and retro-projected on motorized tulles that surround the musicians. The images represent people, bodies, movements and finally the vibrations of the cells according to the sound waves. The visual matter, initially contained, ends up escaping into the room and onto the floor.
Innovative digital lutherie, technological and artisanal approach, research of new links between sound and image: the "MiMo" device represents a real collaborative instrument and creates interactions in constant evolution between the seven artists.

Linda Oláh - Voice & Composition
Rémi Fox - Saxophone & Composition
Matthieu Naulleau - Piano & Composition
Nicolas Fox - Drums & Composition
Valérian Langlais - Sound spatialisation
Marina Smorodinova & Romain Al. - Visual arts

  • Marina Smorodinova
    Lead Artists
  • Linda Oláh
    Lead Artists
  • Romain Allard
    Lead Artists
  • Rémi Fox
    Lead Artists
  • Nicolas Fox
    Lead Artists
  • Matthieu Naulleau
    Lead Artists
  • Valérian Langlais
    Lead Artists
  • Nicolas Canot
    Key Collaborators
  • Quentin Vouaux
    Key Collaborators
  • Collectif pour la Diffusion de la Musique Créative
  • Cité musicale-Metz
  • Libelo Productions
  • Collectif Loo
  • Project Type:
    Performance, Installation, 360 Video
  • Genres:
    Music, Video, Visual arts, Immersive, Sound spatialization
  • Minimum Runtime:
    45 minutes
  • Maximum Runtime:
    1 hour 15 minutes
  • Average Runtime:
    1 hour
  • Completion Date:
    September 25, 2020
  • Production Budget:
    60,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Student Project:
  • Sergey Kuryokhin Award
    Russian Federation
    October 20, 2021
    Official Selection in the Honorary Music Category SKIF
  • QuattroPole Music Prize
    April 1, 2021
    Official Selection
Director Biography

Rémi Fox is a saxophonist, composer, improviser and art director of several singular projects in which research and experimentation take a very important place. He graduated from the Conservatory of Paris and he is the co-founder of the “Loo Collective”. Rémi Fox creates with several bands and is developing a great variety of artistic projects with musicians from the European contemporary, jazz, improvised and electronic music scene. All these encounters have given him the opportunity to develop a rich and open musical universe, while strengthening his own personality.

In 2013, he founded the music ensemble nOx.3 with the pianist Matthieu Naulleau, the drummer Nicolas Fox and the sound engineer Valérian Langlais. In 2015, the four musicians wins the Rezzo Focal competition of the Jazz à Vienne festival. The band takes a new step by joining forces with the singer Linda Oláh on its latest album "Inget Nytt.". Sponsored by the Europajazz festival in 2018, nOx.3 & Linda Oláh is a band’s laureate of the Jazz Migration project of the Association Jazzé Croisé. They performs in many festivals in the world. In 2019, nOx.3 & Linda Oláh is the band’s laureate of the Lagardère Foundation's Musician grant for the recording of its next album, which will be released in 2022. It’s a new step for this organic laboratory in perpetual motion.

For many years, Rémi Fox always sought to confront his music to other forms of art such as dance, theatre, video and technological and digital arts, leading to enriching collaborations with the IRCAM-STMS Musical Representation team. He forms with Jérôme Nika the duo "C'est pour ça", whose last pieces were presented in the installation "C'est pour quoi" at Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains in 2020.

In 2019 and 2020, Rémi Fox was a resident artist with his band nOx.3 & Linda Oláh at the Cité Musicale-Metz to create "MiMo" (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) in collaboration with the visual artists Marina Smorodinova and Romain Al.

In 2020 and 2021, Rémi Fox was a resident artist "Création en cours" at Ateliers Médicis to work on his first solo project entitled "Le rêve éveillé".

In 2021 and 2022, Rémi Fox is a resident artist at the Ircam in the framework of the Artistic Research Residency in collaboration with IRCAM-STMS Musical Representation team.

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Director Statement

Our inspiration comes from electromagnetic vibrations. Since their discovery, they are everywhere in our daily life where the presence of electronic tools and connected objects has totally shaped our gestures, our behavior and our way of thinking. In MiMo, our musical instruments and voice are "extended" by machines. Electronic and acoustic sounds are one: we can no longer distinguish the authentic sound from the sound of the machine. For the elaboration of the visual installation, we were inspired by Faraday's cage: the musicians are encircled by tulles on which the videos are projected. A sound system places the whole installation in a total immersion of sound. This creates sound and optical effects, superpositions of sounds and singular images: the eye and the ear no longer make the difference between the real and the unreal. During the show, these screens open up: what was invisible becomes visible, and vice versa.

Notre inspiration vient des ondes électromagnétiques. Depuis leur découverte, elles sont partout dans notre quotidien où la présence d’outils électroniques et objets connectés a totalement façonné notre gestuelle, notre comportement et notre façon de penser. Dans MiMo, nos instruments de musique et la voix sont « augmentés » de machines. Les sons électroniques et acoustiques ne font plus qu’un : on ne sait plus distinguer le son authentique du son de la machine. Pour la création du dispositif visuel, nous nous sommes inspirés de la cage de Faraday : les musiciens sont encerclés de tulles sur lesquels sont projetées les vidéos. Un système de sonorisation place l’ensemble du dispositif dans une immersion totale de son. Cela crée des effets sonores et optiques, des superpositions de sons et d’images singuliers : l’œil et l’oreille ne font plus la différence entre le réel et l’irréel. Au cours du spectacle, ces écrans s’ouvrent : ce qui était invisible devient visible, et inversement.